You know it's hot when it's too hot to wear jewelry.
My cute butterfly necklace...........too hot!
My watch......too hot!
But as you can see it is not too hot for my wrinkly, light as a feather favorite shirt from Walmart.
It's just like this one....I know....they are not cute....but light as a feather and you don't have to iron them.
I may or may not have 3 of them......and I wear them.....all.....the.....time....(my poor family)
I am off of the was I talking about?
Oh it's hot!
I have decided that I shall not complain.....
I am going to be more purposeful in my gratitude of everything!
I mean if we did not have this heat then our gardens would not produce, the flowers would not bloom or the trees would not flourish.
Just like for the last few weeks we have had rain.........down pours........drenched in rain.
Who am I to say that is not exactly what we needed?
Thank goodness I am not in charge!
I am going to turn it all over to God and be so very grateful for every bit of it!
Abundant sunshine provides food for our families....
We need to learn to swim in the rain.....
Do you have troubles?
Of course! We all do!

That's all I need to hear.
I will not fear....I will not be dismayed.
Then what in the world would I complain about?
I'm not saying I won't slip up every now and then and let out a complaint...
but I am saying that I am going to really, really try to be more grateful about everything!

Oh how I love this one!
she laughs....
without fear of the future......
Now doesn't that sound much better than complaining?
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day that God has made.