I have a wedding to go to.
It's at 5 p.m. Saturday so it's a little dressier than normal?
I hate myself in a dress.
I hate dressing up.
40+ pounds overweight, big shoulders, big boobs
a pea head and very little hair.
That sounds attractive huh?
I don't hate myself.....I really do love myself....
In fact I may be too husband loves me a lot....
and still finds me attractive, I have a lot of friends and I really enjoy my life.
So most days I don't worry about diet and exercise.....I think about it....
but I don't worry about it.
But I know what I want to look like weight wise and clothes wise...
and this ain't it.
Most days I've learned the tricks to camouflage in my capris and tops
but a wedding?
So here we go...
This little thing that is about half the size of my body goes first.
I put it on.
That sounds so simple doesn't it?
I'm sweating and grunting and gyrating and it's just over my head
squeezing me like a python under my arm pits, pinning my arms straight up in the air.
It's won't go over my boobs and I can't bring my arms down... what?
I hop, squirm, run around in a circle and almost hyperventilate.
WHY haven't I tried losing weight?
I finally manage to hyper extend my elbow and just barely get my thumb under the
python squeezing my arm pits and
tug.....hop.....breathe....and POP!
it slides over one boob.....
we're making progress now!
One arm is free...the other is still stuck up in the air.
I can now pull it over my other boob and the python is at my waist.
I'm freeeee!
Well....sort of.
I thought seriously of sitting down and eating some cookies to reward myself
(no Lisa....bad Lisa)
plus the python was restricting my stomach.
So I pull the top part up and the bottom part down and the python is finally on.
I try on the first's blue.
A big blue whale....yep...big up top and a little smaller down bottom....
all I need is a spout at the top of my head..............this is a no.
Oh this one is cute with a little stretchy jacket.....
What about this floral dress..........
that looks like....a.....king.....size.....bed......sheet.
I hate weddings!!
Why can't you wear yoga pants to every event?
Why did I eat a 1/2 gallon of ice cream in two days?
Is it possible to lose 40 pounds in 3 days? Scarlett O'hara once said....
"I'll think about that tomorrow."
take off the python......
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