How can I be 50 years old and still struggling with how and what I want my life to be?
How can I be 50 years old?
But do you struggle with that?
You I wasting my hours here on earth?
I know we have to work..(most of us)...and sleep...
but that still leaves 6 to 8 hours more or less a day.

I find myself getting home from work and crashing on the couch
and vegging out in front of the television.
This is unacceptable but the flesh is weak.....and tired....and wants to watch The Voice.
And then I decide that I'm going to list what things need to be accomplished.
Clean house
Do laundry
Bible study
Take care of animals
Spend time with husband
Take a bath
Talk with friends
Visit parents
Write a book
Pay bills
Go to church
Eat healthy
Can this be done????????
I become overwhelmed and flop back on the couch and inhale a pop tart while my eyes glaze over
during Project Runway.
I am not a Type A personality......I fall waaaaaay down to probably Type Zzzz....(snore)
And what about gardening and canning and putting up for the future?
And all of these things that I have mentioned are all for me.
What about what Jesus really wants us to do?
Serve others.
How do I fit that in?
I really struggle with the balance of it all!
Do you?
I have decided that I can make some small changes throughout my day.
Some mornings I may not be able to do my Bible study but I can listen to a Christian radio station on my way to work.
I can slow down and enjoy God's wonderful creation around me as I'm traveling to and from work.
I can pray for others during my 30 minute commute.
I can be an ambassador for God at work.
I know God blessed us with this business and I fully intend to honor Him in it!
I am getting better at these things but I still struggle with balance.
I know I'm living a very selfish life but some days I can barely meet my basic needs.
It's the hours at home that is my biggest struggle.
I definitely waste some of that precious time.
I guess I'm just wondering how you all do it?
Is it a struggle?
Do you have suggestions?
I want to make changes and do more but I also know that I am miserable if I go wide open all the time.
I'm just not built that way.
How do you change your life?
Start new habits and make them stick?
I don't want the next 50 years to be wasted....
so the million dollar question is.....
how do you know what you really want and what must be done to accomplish it?