Friday, March 14, 2014

Chickens, Crocks and Quiche

Today I decided that I would cook a quiche and take it to a friend that

is taking treatments for cancer.

He has chickens and I pick at him because his coop is not decorated.

He thinks I am so silly for decorating my coop...:)

I told him I would bring him a quiche from happy, spoiled chickens.

And I thought this post was going to be about showing you the recipe

for the quiche.

But then I went to his and his wife's home.

I will post the recipe later.

First let me say that facebook and this blog have been a wonderful thing in my life.

I've known these wonderful people all my life but I feel like we have

connected in a better way due to my blog and facebook.

Mrs. B. says that Mr. B. loves to read my posts.

This makes my day...:)

And so I arrived on their doorsteps with a quiche in one hand and a wooden,

brightly painted whirly-gig chicken in the other.

We had a wonderful chat and I almost couldn't pay attention because I

was in awe of my surroundings.

He and his wife love all things old and antique.

So do I.

As we talk about gardening and such Mrs. B. said let me show you Mr. B's canned stuff.

I took one look in that room and asked

"May I please go get my camera and take some pics?"

She said sure.

He makes furniture like this table.

Isn't it beautiful?

But wait.....there's more.


Don't you love those crocks......

I didn't even get a pic of all of his canned vegetable...sorry Mr. B.

Then Mrs. B. said have you ever seen inside my hutch?

I'm drooling a dog waiting for his treat.

Could you just die?!!!!

Is this not beautiful!!

And that's not all....

Did I mention that Mrs. B. is an artist?

This is a door inside the house....

I'm thinking...just a couple of screws and I could get that right off the frame

but I can't hide it under my shirt....

Mrs. B. is telling me that this is a very, very old chair with a very fat bottomed seat...

hmmmm....I was mentally measuring my bum....

I think it would be a perfect fit.

We turned to go back into the living room and this view...

oh....this view....


Does this make you as happy as it does me?

I'll give you a close up of those little cast iron pans...

Mrs. B. and Mr. B. and I had a great talk.

He wants me to come back in April and we will tour the chicken yard...

I told him I was going to sneak by one day and fancy it

They even sent me home with goodies...:)

Here I thought I was doing a good deed and little did I know

what a blessing they both would give me.

Isn't that funny how that works?

I can't wait to see them again.


  1. Lisa, you are such a kind hearted gal...What a lovely couple and what an amazing home...I'm so happy you had your camera with you so we can see those amazing collections...simply wonderful...and that quiche is pretty darn good looking too...I'm guessing you got your power back on...Have a lovely weekend...

  2. This is so AWESOME Lisa and so are you with your beautiful, generous, sweet and giving heart. That looks so delicious and I'm sure you made Mr. and Mrs. B'S day for sure. What great photos of all of those gorgeous crocks and antiques...after my own heart. Love antiques lots of old bottles and a couple of nice crocks too...there's just something about them that I love to look at...I think it's kind of comfort thing for me cause I swear in a former life I lived on a farm in the "olden days". Thanks for sharing these wonderful em' all and love you too! Hugs, kathy

  3. What a cute house! Yes, it's interesting how much happiness we get out of doing a good deed for others! :)

  4. I would have been right there in heaven with you, my friend...with my tongue hanging out! What a fantastic collection! And what a sweetie you are to take them the the way, I'll be waiting for the recipe :)

  5. Wow, what a place and love all those crocks, especially the yellow ones! Keep eating the little Debbies and you will be able to hide that door in no time!
    Praying for better days for Mr B. Isn't it funny how much fun it is helping out someone else? Great post, again.

  6. Their house is so wonderfully authentic. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. Wonderful post and photos . I just love their collections . Oh your Quiche looks YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing . Have a wonderful weekend !

  8. How wonderful to go for a visit and see so many things that give you a smile. I would be wondering around for hours just checking things out.

  9. Amazing home. It was nice of Mrs. B to let you take photos.
    Thank you for sharing.

  10. One good deed deserves another! You did yours and sure got a big blessing from it! What a wonderful day for all!

  11. I'm drooling and I didn't get to see this lovely home filled with treasures in person. How blessed that you connected with Mr and Mrs B so well. I am truly blessed by this.
    Enjoy your weekend

  12. What a sweet thing to do and the quiche looks delish! Their home is so lovely and Mrs. B is a wonderful artist! Prayers for Mr B's speedy recovery!

  13. I pray God will heal Mr. B and to give Mrs. B strength.I thank Him for giving you a compassionate and servant spirit. I can see Jesus in you.


  14. Your quiche looks so good. What a nice thing to do. I loved seeing the pics of this home and would like to thank them for allowing you to take pictures. You can tell an artist and a craftsman live there. It's so homey and comfortable. Just beautiful

  15. Okay first I love your new header. Second that house is like I died and went to Heaven. I love it to pieces. Happy weekend.

  16. Your are so sweet to make the quiches for your friend and his wife. Thank you for sharing their home with us. I am in love with all the antiques displayed throughout their home.

  17. Oh, what a wonderful day you had. And it must be like a kid in a candy store to visit their home. It would be for me, at least. Good for you being so kind to them. It's plain that they appreciate it, too.

  18. I would have enjoyed that visit for sure ~ or well I just did din't I . We will have to go there again when I come to visit you , put in on our list of things to do .lol

  19. What a great houe tour! I can't wait for your tour in pitures of his chicken house!

  20. I love your day! I cannot wait to smell the blossoms. Loved all your green in the trees, too. And doesn't that always happen? As soon as you sit down, here they all come. Love, love, love your photos. Rod is such a ham. Does he oink, too?
