Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Kind Of Weekend


A cloudy cool day.

Hubby and I took the dogs on a drive to the river.

A man and his best friend.

It doesn't matter if he only has three legs.

He will always be his faithful companion.

He will even hang with me sometimes too.


Sunny and 75 degrees.

The only snow on the ground was from the 

white blooms falling from the pear trees.

After church I spent a lazy afternoon in the swing with a book and a breeze.

And I don't know about y'all but where ever I am...

the animals are.

Big Buck spied me in the swing and was heading over to me.

Bucky is really doing great after his leg amputation.

We still pray that the vet is wrong about him only have six to eight months to live.

We can't imagine life without him.

And then Sambo had to jump up in the tree above me.

Sambo said "mom...wouldn't this make a great photo shoot?"

I'm ready!

"Okay...I'll pretend to smell the flowers in this one."

And you know that Mr. Rod Stewart had to have his moment to shine.

 He was like..."hey...what about me?"

He said "get your camera ready...I'm going to show that cat how to pose!"

Just beautiful Rod.....ahem...I mean handsome.

And just in case I have you lulled into a calm, peaceful, coma.....

It's not even officially Spring yet and they have started crawling.

But not this one because my hubby killed it.

It was not in my yard....hubby plucked me up out of the swing

and made me ride the dirt roads with him.

It's his favorite thing to do.

All in all....

it was another great weekend



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  1. Your smile can sure light up a blog , and a room I am sure. wish I had that smile :)
    Love the photos Rod is looking randy .lol
    Our dog Sullie had a stage 2 mast cell cancerous tumor on his leg at 6 we had it taken off and he lived a hearty happy life for 6 more years , so we will hope the vet was wrong and that Bucky has many more happy years .

  2. Lovely photos and post ! Rod is one funny rooster lol !I love the photo of you with your buddy there looking good girl ! It is amazing how animals adapt ! Glad hubs got that nasty snake. Thanks for sharing . Good to hear you had a good weekend to !!

  3. That looks like a perfect day to me and I love the rooster. What a great, "look"! lol

  4. I love your blog.
    It always makes me smile. And you did again today.
    Sounds like a great day for sure.

  5. I'm glad Bucky is doing well and has many more years ahead.

  6. What a perfect day in pictures...those are my favorite kind! Even with the snake it looks like it was a wonderful way to spend the weekend.

  7. Oh yes, wherever I am the animals are right there! I think it's because I'm the one who feeds them haha. They are such beggars for treats!

    I'm glad Bucky is doing well after his surgery. I pray he has lots more time with you guys!

  8. kind of day too! Great photos...and that sweet puppy just touches my heart! I hope the doctors are wrong about his prognosis. Everything was beautiful in this post (especially your sweet face) except that nasty snake! :(

  9. Been thinking of you and praying for you and your family. Your dog is so sweet. Glad to hear that he's doing well and hopefully has many more years to come.
