Thursday, March 13, 2014

Off-Grid Fail!

So the power has been out for hours.

 I am obsessed with reading the blogs about off-grid living.

 I tell Shannon all the time....I could do that....wouldn't that be wonderful? 

And he always just shakes his head.

 So the power goes off before breakfast. 

I'm thinking that's okay I will just read my Bible by the window first anyway.

 So then I's cold in here I'll get in my chair that I have the heating pad in......................duh!

 Then after that I decide I am really cold and I would just go lay back in bed under the covers just until I warmed up.........

ummmm......I think a loud snore woke me up and I jumped up (thank you Lord)

 right before Shannon came by the house to get something...

whew...that was close.

 He did ask why my face still had pillow wrinkles and I kind of pouted and said....

I'm not young anymore...

I can't believe you said that...and made him feel bad...heeheeee....(see how you turn that around ladies) 

So then I was really hungry and so I thought Yea! I have a gas stove.....

what shall it be? Eggs or pancakes? Pancakes it is!!

 So I turn the knob and nothing. 

Where's my clicking noise? 

Don't tell me I have to manually light it?

 Where are our matches? Do we have any matches?

 Finally found some deep in the cabinet....will I catch my arm on fire?

 Turn knob, strike match...wait...match didn't strike.....smell gas....QUICK..TURN IT OFFFF!!! this again....strike match first...then turn the gas on...whoooosh!


 I then make up words to this Katy Perry song Roar...

I sing "I'm a survivor...your gonna hear me roar!!!!

 So now I'm full....I wonder what everyone is saying on facebook.....

I know...I'll check my phone...awww...i forgot to charge it......sigh......

can I take my shower.....will I have hot water?

 So I sit here under a blanket, all smelly, wondering.....will I make it?

 Can I survive?

 How long will the pancake mix hold out?


  1. I HATE losing power, I cannot even deal with losing just cable! Hope it has been restored. Cute post. xo

  2. This is what would happen to me, and I suspect many others too. We would all suffer withdrawal. I love the IDEA of living off-grid..but I would have to take it one tiny step at a time. We are all spoiled to our modern conveniences, and don't even realize it!

  3. Oh BOO-HOO! Our power was out from Friday @ 4 AM until Monday @ 4 PM...had no internet until yesterday (Wed.) after lunch! The good thing is we were at the cabin in the snow while most of the storm was going on...had to deal with the aftermath. Are we just spoiled rotten or what? I was not on facebook for a whole week since we don't have internet in the mountains. Some pioneer women we would about we just cry each other a river!! LOL!

  4. Hope it's back on. We never realize how much we use electricity until we don't have it. When ours goes out I'm constantly walking around the house trying to turn on the lights.

  5. Living without electricity is fun for about 1 hour. Then it gets old fast! I remember one storm where our power was out for two days. On the 2nd day, my hubby said "this is just like camping - I have to take my flashlight with me to go to the bathroom!" Hope you weren't off the grid for too long.

  6. We live in Northern Cali, in the Sierra Mountains, and yeah when the powers out it sucks. There is only so much canned soup you can eat cooked on top of the wood stove, so we have a generator. I love that K.P. song too. Please come share your posts at the weekly Bacon Time linky.

  7. LOL ~ you are so fun.
    Hope it is back on for you. :-)

  8. A few years ago we lost power during a bad winter storm and it didn't come back on for 3 days. I cooked on the wood stove and read books using a headlamp! lol The nights were very dark and long. Can't say I would like to live like that all of the time!

  9. I feel your pain...Back in 1998 during the ice storm of the century we were without power for fifteen days...I have three words for you ON DEMAND GENERATOR!!!

  10. LOL! You are so funny. I can find all kinds of things to do without power, but I go bonkers without my laptop. That's why its always plugged in. Charged and ready for such times.
    I can cook on mine, and that's usually what we do. Start cooking. I boil water to wash up in, too. Sponge bath is better than no bath. So how long was your power out?

  11. Sometimes you slay me, girl!!! Yeah, we all are wimps when it comes to our electricity.

  12. Oh gosh, too funny! I can't laugh too much though because I am the same way when we lose power. I'm always trying to flip the light switches! Duh!

  13. I like electricity. It simplifies my life so I can do other things on the homestead.
    Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre hop!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. It is different when your house is set up for power that way. When you loose power everything is inconvenient because of a design flaw. If it was set up for no power I bet you would have done better. For example if you are off grid with heat, loosing power doesn't mean suffering in the cold like it does for a house that is set up for heat supplied with some power connection. We get power failures all the time too. It is a 'in your face' reminder of how poorly planned out our house's major functions are. If that made sense.

  16. It is different when your house is set up for power that way. When you loose power everything is inconvenient because of a design flaw. If it was set up for no power I bet you would have done better. For example if you are off grid with heat, loosing power doesn't mean suffering in the cold like it does for a house that is set up for heat supplied with some power connection. We get power failures all the time too. It is a 'in your face' reminder of how poorly planned out our house's major functions are. If that made sense.
