Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ice, Ice Baby!

We are in south Alabama...

we are not prepared for such as this....

most of this is ice.....

schools are closed....

businesses are closed....

roads are closed....

I just wish my mouth was closed....

I have eaten everything in the house...

I would have taken a pic of the food but...

I ate it too fast...

It's a good thing I don't live where there is a lot of snow...

I would weigh 600 pounds!

I hope each of you are warm and cozy and 

do me a favor....

eat something!!
(guilt loves company)


  1. Hi Lisa! I love your snow photos! Your house is so pretty! The conditions are almost the same here, but we have more snow. Roads and schools are closed today and possibly through tomorrow. Thanks for sharing your pretty place! Stay warm and do some jumping-jacks! Blessings from Bama!

  2. Down here in Baldwin County we have the same conditions. Everything is basically at a standstill. There is no sign of life outside at all.
    BTW, your house is so pretty!

  3. That has got to be hard for those of you in the south. It's cold here, too! The critters are driving me nuts cause they are so bored. Looking forward to spring!

  4. Brrr! Looks cold! It has to be hard for you guys right now since you don't have the means to deal with the snow and ice like we who live further north do. Hopefully it will melt soon!

  5. Well, I'm in the same boat as you. The critters were out in force in the back yard today and it was crunchy when I went out to refill the bird feeders. I've got warm brownies. Does that count?

  6. I grew up in South Dakota, so I'm used to cold temps, snow and ice. But here in Oregon, although it snows in the mountains, we rarely get snow in the valley. And when we do - what a mess! Probably much like where you live right now. Hang in there, I'm sure things will melt quickly. In the meantime, enjoy the beauty.

  7. Ice and snow here in N.C. too! not to mention frigid temps. I too have been eating non stop! Thanks for sharing, stay warm and safe,

  8. Love all the pops of red in the photos with the snow. Hope your chickens do ok- they may quit laying on you.
    Hope you warm up soon, and send it this way. Oh, this winter is one for the history books for sure. Stay home, stay warm and I will gladly eat for you. Hershey kisses ok?
