Monday, January 27, 2014

Lisa Goes Hunting....

Some days I think "am I a boring person?"

My husband is like the Tasmanian Devil....

he always has something to do....

somewhere to go....

he can't sit still....

he's always working on something....

or hunting...

or fishing...

and I feel more like Eeyore...

just plodding along....

My hubby always asks me if I want to go where ever he is going and

I usually say (in a slow Eeyore voice) nooo.....

I think I'll just stay here....

So I start thinking I better get off my hiney and start

living a little and being a little more interesting.

So this is the last weekend of hunting season.

I decide I will go hunting with the hubby.

First problem is finding his hunting clothes that are not

too (gulp) small for me. (tear)

And yes I did find some pants and I didn't let him know that they were not buttoned

or zipped all the way up (so sad).

And you know you have this idea in your head about 

how cute you will look in his camo....


not so much....

(objects appear larger than they really are)

(I'm hoping)

On the way down the bumpy dirt roads I'm giving him all the qualifications

of the deer stand I need to be put in...


I don't want to walk very far to get in the hunting house...

the house must have a chair....preferably two so I can put my stuff on the other one...

I don't want to climb up into a tall stand....

I can't see well so it needs to be a small patch....

(I don't know why my hubby doesn't get me to go more you?)

So the hubby drops me off in a hunting house and tells me to be perfectly quiet and still

and he will pick me up at dark.


I can do this!

Five minutes in and I'm taking selfies with my camera.

do you see the plexiglass window that is open well it may or may not have slammed back down while I was reading and made a terrible noise..(don't tell hubby)

and then I get my book out of my leopard print bag (it was as close to camo as I had)

I'm SURE I was not making noise doing any of this (clears throat).

At least it was a beautiful, sunny day!

I enjoyed taking pics of the changing sky as the sun was setting.

Can you believe I didn't see a single thing! haha...

So hubby picks me up and asked if I saw anything

and I (in my serious hunter voice) say I didn't see anything..

I don't know why.

He is sweet and says he is so happy that I went with him and I say me too.

And then I couldn't help myself...

I asked him....

"what sort of noises does a deer make when he comes in the patch?"

and hubby is serious and says 

"well you know....he can snort some but really doesn't make a lot of noise."

And then I couldn't help myself...

I say....


"what does a fox say?"

And he is serious once again and says

"well.....he kind of makes a barking noi....

wait.....that's that stupid song!!!"

I'm not sure I will be asked to go on many more hunting trips.

And I'm still not sure if I make it into the 

"interesting person" category...

but I sure had fun.



  1. Hey, you look great in camo! Loved the selfies. I would be doing the same thing....

  2. I LOVE the camo and the selfies. You took some great scenic shots too. I am your newest follower.


  3. You are a, wait... that's a! Seriously, you do look cute in camo :)

  4. Hi Lisa, you are so cute!!!Were you in the hunting shack for the entire day? Did you bring snacks? Um, did you pee with the bears in the woods? By the way you look cool in camo!!!

  5. Thank you Heidi!! So happy to have you as a follower....I sure hope I don't disappoint...:))) Have a great day!!

  6. I don't think I could sit still that long but it's good you tried it. I went duck hunting once and can't figure out the appeal. It was freezing, snowing, wet and you had to go there in a boat. In winter. I think I'd rather hunt something that lives on a beach.

  7. I'm glad you had fun! I'd probably be taking selfies as well. I don't think I'd be good for hunting because I'd probably get bored! But I think I am more of a boring person as well as I like to just stay in and watch tv at night instead of going out on the town.
