Friday, January 31, 2014

Slow Down....

I was in a tizzy!

My son was one of the hundreds that were stuck on highway 280 in Birmingham.

I was so mad at my husband.

You know how men are....

Me:  Don't you think we need to change Bucky's (our dog) appointment
with the vet for Tuesday in Birmingham?  They say the weather is going to be bad
and I don't want Tanner (our son) to be out in it.

Hubby (or as I call him Mr. Know It All):  Oh my goodness no! They are barely
going to get a light dusting of snow.  Plus the appointment is for 9 a.m. and
he will be back in Tuscaloosa by 10:30 a.m. so you have nothing to worry about.

Three hours go by....

I call my son....

he is stuck in traffic because of icy roads...

hasn't moved 5 feet in hours....

Five hours go by....

call my son....

may have moved 10 feet.

His phone is going dead...

He has a 100 pound dog with him that can't walk...

he has half a tank of gas....

Momma is freaking out!

Dad is hunting!! (can you believe it!)

Many hours later and phone calls....

 he realized that he was going to have to do something drastic to get out

so as he said ..he did some Dukes of Hazzard driving (thank goodness he had 4 wheel drive)

he jumped the median, drove through a red light on the wrong side of the road,

zig zagged between cars, went up a hill that most people had slid off, made it to

a gas station and filled up his truck and finally reached a road that was moving.

Made it back to Tuscaloosa at 10 p.m. (it is usually a 1 hour drive)

So yesterday I was to meet him halfway to pick up Bucky (our dog).

I'm driving along still stressed from Tuesday, watching for ice patches in the road, still mad at hubby....... when I passed this...

I thought as I drove past "what in the world was that?"

I felt like someone said "turn around."

So I did.


Hundreds of them!

There were catfish ponds all around this area and they were all empty

except this one.

Aren't they beautiful?!

I drove on a little ways and these ducks were just breaking through the ice on this pond.

For some reason...

I felt much more at peace.

Slow down.....

Calm down.....

God is in control.

 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Matthew 6:25-26

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  1. Wow, that's a lot of ducks! What a pretty scene. That would make me slow down and feel more peaceful as well. I bet this was a very stressful situation, though! I can't imagine being stuck out on the road for hours on end. I'm glad everything worked out!

  2. I have never seen that many ducks on a pond! Geese maybe, but not ducks. Glad your son and dog made it home safe and sound! Good thing for 4-wheel drive!

  3. The ducks are beautiful. I would have been in a tizzy too!
    God knows just what we are in need of. He is so good to us.
    Smiles, Dottie

  4. I knew this would be a great post, friend :) So glad all is well!

  5. Glad your son was able to get out of that traffic jam. Amazing what a mess a little icy weather can cause.

  6. Don't blame ya, any mama would be concerned. Gotta respect the weather and what it can do...good or bad. Glad it turned out okay.

  7. Oh, what a treat you had!!! Haven't been out birding at all this winter, so I've missed all those ducks. Hope the doggie gets better. Sorry Tanner got stuck in the mess. But I bet he loved that Dukes drivin!!!

  8. I am so glad Tanner and Bucky are ok. What a scary time. I know you all are not used to this stuff at all! Maybe Bucky will pee on Mr Know It All's leg.
    The duck photos are wonderful. Calm is a good place to be after all of that.
