Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gratitude...Working On It

You know it's hot when it's too hot to wear jewelry.

My cute butterfly necklace...........too hot!

My watch......too hot!

But as you can see it is not too hot for my wrinkly, light as a feather favorite shirt from Walmart.

It's just like this one....I know....they are not cute....but light as a feather and you don't have to iron them.

I may or may not have 3 of them......and I wear them.....all.....the.....time....(my poor family)

I am off of the subject....now.....what was I talking about?

Oh it's hot!


I have decided that I shall not complain.....

I am going to be more purposeful in my gratitude of everything!

I mean if we did not have this heat then our gardens would not produce, the flowers would not bloom or the trees would not flourish.

Just like for the last few weeks we have had rain.........down pours........drenched in rain.

Who am I to say that is not exactly what we needed?

Thank goodness I am not in charge!

I am going to turn it all over to God and be so very grateful for every bit of it!

Abundant sunshine provides food for our families....

We need to learn to swim in the rain.....

Do you have troubles?

Of course!  We all do!

That's all I need to hear.

I will not fear....I will not be dismayed.

Then what in the world would I complain about?

I'm not saying I won't slip up every now and then and let out a complaint...

but I am saying that I am going to really, really try to be more grateful about everything!

Oh how I love this one!

she laughs....

without fear of the future......

Now doesn't that sound much better than complaining?

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day that God has made.

“What day is it?"
It's today," squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day," said Pooh.” 
― A.A. Milne


  1. You have put a smile on my face. I really must learn not to complain about the weather...and other things. :)

  2. I enjoy reading your posts but, I think you've already figured that out. But, I have to say I think this one is my favoritest yet!! I can't tell you how many times we've heard folks on the news say "somebody needs to do something about this rain," well DUH, He is in control & who am I to complain about what He does & I've not lost my mind enough to open my mouth & boss the good Lord above!
    Thank you ma'am for the awesome post :)

  3. I'm right there with you on the jewelry thing when it's hot. I freeze in my office where I work so its not a problem there. I think as long as we're human, we'll utter a complaint or two...but we can always try harder not to and strive for thankfulness, no matter what we face. Thanks for this sweet post....and BTW, I think your little Walmart shirt is cute :)

  4. Great post! I have been in a frustrated mood the last couple of days. Some great verses to get me out of my funk! Thanks!!

  5. Need I say monsoons . . . I am grateful there has been no need to water every other day; grateful for rainy days to read to my hearts content, grateful for a back up clothes dryer for days my clothesline is simply idle, grateful for the fresh scent of the rain-washed woods we call home . . . and comfort foods like spaghetti and chili we never ever have in a regular summer season. All is well, Lisa. Life is good!

    BTW, I love your shirt too.

  6. I have the same ugly Walmart shirt in pink and teal. I wear them all the time as well because they are so comfy. I've come to like those ugly comfy clothes in my old age. To heck with jewelry, it's so hot here I told my mother I was going to start wearing long It's so hot that my pants and undies stick to me and won't come off. I'd just have to make those dresses long enough not to shock the neighbors when I bend over in the garden!

  7. Fabulous, once again! Oh, How I enjoy your posts! Thank you for allowing me to read them.


  8. Yes Shana M...you have it figured out! I totally agree..:) and thank you so much for your sweet comments....totally makes my day..:)

  9. LOL...Anonymous....I know what you mean...;)

  10. I just popped over to thank you for your comment on my blog and I am so glad I did. I love your writing style and am your newest follower. I get it about the heat and yes, it does count that you are not watching much TV, one box for another I say. LOL

  11. What a great reminder to be grateful for everything! I was complaining about the heat a couple weeks ago, but now it has turned off so cool that our tomatoes aren't ripening! Be careful what you wish for, right? Haha!

  12. A great post for me to read before I start my day! :) Thanks!

  13. Thank you Brittney....so glad to hear from you...:))) Made my day..:)

  14. Yup...I'm doing the same thing...workin' on GRATITUDE. It's an everyday "work in progress" for me...and I've come to realize no matter how much I complain about something...it doesn't change it or make things better ...It is what it is and that's my new mantra... and learning to "Accept the things I cannot change"...being grateful is a wonderful thing and when you are grateful it makes everything in my life a little bit better.
