Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sweet Blogging Friends....

In this world of technology we have access to so many things and to so many people.

And they have access to us.

And that can be quite scary.

When I started this blog I was very nervous about putting myself out there.

But I will say that the benefits of getting to know my fellow bloggers and readers is worth any kind of nervousness that I may have.

I am floored at the kindness and sweetness of my fellow bloggers that I have "met" so far.

I truly feel like that if I broke down in Maine, for instance, that I might could email one of my Maine friends and they would help if at all possible....and that goes for Canada, and Arizona, and Illinois,  North Carolina, Missouri, New York, Texas....and so many know what I mean?

I truly feel like I have "met" the most amazing and kind people through my blog.

I received a package today from one of my friends that I have met through blogging.

She and I have emailed, we have talked about our faith, she has encouraged me and I have encouraged her.

She has a great blog with beautiful photography

She sent me this note card, which by the way is her own personal photography. (she is so talented)

And after reading her sweet words I promptly put it on Madea (the world's largest refrigerator) so I could see it every day.

It makes me smile...:)

And that's not all she sent......

She said she saw these chicken plaques and decided I must have them.

Is that not the sweetest thing?

Right now they are on my shelf above my french doors but I know I will put them all over the kitchen until I decide they are in the perfect spot!

I feel very blessed by getting to know her and each of you.

And not because you get you Kathleen, My Sweet Maine)

 How can it be a bad thing to leave your comfort zone and make yourself more available to people, who, in turn, have made themselves available to you?

To learn about people who don't live just like you, or look just like you.

I, for one, have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of you 

and look forward to even more friendships.

Thank you again my sweet friend Kathleen!

And thanks to the rest of my sweet blogging friends just for putting yourselves out there!


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  1. Such a lovely post. Kathleen was so sweet to send you these gifts. I have met so many nice blogging buddies, I don't think I could ever leave entirely, even if I just continue to visit and comment, but hopefully I do a post! xo

  2. How sweet for her to send you those pics. I agree and did a post once on how I feel blogging is like a dating website. You find like minded folks you would not have otherwise met. I am close to four gals that I met through blogging and we now spend a lot of time together.

  3. Yes, that's one of the great things about blogging - is "meeting" other wonderful bloggers and sharing comments.

  4. Awww thanks Lisa. Thanks for taking a photo...I knew they'd look pretty in your kitchen somewhere and they sure do. I love how homey you have made's real country and chickeny...hahaha. Love and Hugs

  5. Lisa,
    I feel the same way. You know I have just started out and when I sent out my first post, you especially among many others made me feel so welcome to the blogging world! Like you, I was a little apprehensive connecting with so many people from all over. It has been a little over a month for me and it has been so rewarding.

  6. What a sweet gift from Kathleen! I follow her blog as well and she is a great photographer. I know what you mean about being wary of putting yourself out there. I thought of starting my blog for months before I actually took the plunge, then it was several more months before I felt comfortable enough to reach out and promote myself and connect with other bloggers. But I'm so glad I did! I had no idea I could make such friendships through blogging and it has turned out to be one of my favorite things about it :)

  7. I feel just like you do about these wonderful people in Blogland. If you need prayers, they pray for you. If you need someone to make you laugh, they post Chicken soap operas...

    I deleted my blog back in March because I became distrusting of some of the bloggers....and was thinking they were the reason I had so much spam in my email...but now, I think I was just paranoid...and I'd give anything (well, just about) to have all my old posts back...that was 6 years worth of blogging gone forever. It makes me sick when I think about it. But, then I came to my senses and just took my email off my blog...and now, I get NO viruses....but, I don't think it was bloggers doing that....I think it was mean people lurking around Blogland. It was simple enough to fix though.

    I had Nookworm send me a light house night light. She and I email each other and I love her to pieces!

  8. I have met some great, godly ladies in my 8 years of blogging. They may be long distance friendships, but friendships, nonetheless.

    I have even exchanged gifts back and forth with one.

    What a blessing!

  9. You said it best.... there are a world of wonderful people out there. And, bloggers become like family. I love it.

  10. Leave It To Davis..I hate that you lost 6 years of your blogging....:( and the chicken soap operas would be no fun if I didn't have great blogging friends who always leave great comments....:))))))

  11. Do you know what has happened to Kathleen's blog? It seems to have been taken over. I am very sad about not finding her.
