Monday, July 29, 2013

Another Project....

What do you do when your laundry room is torn apart from your attempts to clean from top to bottom and organize the entire space?

You go outside of course!

And your little A.D.D. self starts another project......umhmmm...that's right.

It's okay....there's an itty bitty trail to the washer and's all good.

So here is a little peek at the latest project to be finished by the year 2020.

Yep....I took an old iron headboard, spray painted it red, made a banner and a sign and Bam!....a designated area for the chickens to scratch.

Now all I have to do is teach the chickens to read.....:(

Get back to your area Aunt Bea!!

Millie, you are such a smart girl!

Does anyone know chicken language?

There is more to this project but I'm still working on it.....

Oh look.....

I should plant some trees and bushes over there....

and make a trellis on my deck..

and maybe I could ....but my laundry room.....

2020 should be a great year....


  1. sound just like me only on a smaller scale. I'll be unloading the dishwasher and then...wait a minute...the clothes dryer stopped...gotta' go take the clothes out before they all wrinkle, oh...but then I'll just put them here on top of the bed and fold them later...gotta' get back to putting the dishes away...oh wait a minute...that plant on top of the bookcase looks kind of droopy...better go water the bookcase looks kind of dusty...better go get the dust cloth before I water the plant...and on and on she goes...what is wrong with us??? :) So you can see...not much gets finished around here either and that's just skimming the top...oh better get cleaning those closets out...hahaha. By the way Lisa Tucker...I have a surprise for you but I have to send it in the could you send me your address via email and I'll send it along...after I empty my dishwasher.

  2. Aunt Bea? Where is Opie and Barney? lol Love the names for your chickens.

    The headboard looks really cute there in the chicken scratch area, but I can tell you one thing for sure. It would be much more appreciated in my extra bedroom that is empty at the present time. Should your girls decide they no longer need it....

  3. I love it! I actually have a couple of old beds like that...and no, you can't have! Let me just tell you, I wish I HAD a laundry room to re-do instead of a closet in the hallway :(

  4. Love the new project, it looks really good!! As for that laundry room...if the clothes are clean & the door is closed you are good to go :)

  5. Leave It To should check with your salvation army regularly because ours gets in iron beds all the time....maybe one near you does too?...:) and thanks about the chicken names....yes Aunt Bea was one of our first and oldest hens and she's a little fussy like Aunt Bea was on Andy

  6. Oh Shana M....I love your are one smart girl...:)

  7. Oh this just made me giggle, how fun. I love it. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  8. This is adorable, I love the red coloring!

  9. Adorable! You say ADD I say multi tasking! Visiting from SYC

  10. Thank you Susan!!! And thanks so much for stopping in....:)))))

  11. Glad I'm not alone in all this ADDness! :-) Love what you did with your chicken scratch area. Thanks for sharing at Sunday View!

  12. I wish we had some chickens, love your chicken scratch patch!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday, hope you'll hop back over...

  13. Hi Lisa,
    Wanted to let you know that I featured you on Inspired Sunday at Sunday View! I would love for you to grab my button and display it. It's on my right side bar near the blog party. I also became a follower and would love for you to follow me. Have a great week!

  14. Hi Lisa, oh my gosh; how cute is this for your sweet chicks? It's comical but cute. Looks like some of the chicks do know how to read. As they say, the laundry will always wait. I'm sure your girls are glad you went out to play. I will be featuring you at SYC later today.

  15. Lisa . . . thank you for the "Chicken Scratch Area" idea . . . this is so NEAT!!!! I have a little corner, under the eaves that receives little or no water and NOTHING GROWS there, so I made a sign and turned it into a "Chicken Scratch Area". Think I will plant the old Purina chicken feeder with . . . what else??? . . . of course . . . HENS AND CHICKS!!!! I gave your blog credit for the original idea and I thank you Lisa!

  16. Wonderful idea.

    Mine love to scratch just where I've worked and weeded or planted. I began work on the old house here and now they're dusting under the floor!
