Friday, August 22, 2014


Lisa is tired.....

But God is great!!

Our new business location!!!

We've waited 5 months to get approved for this new business and the day that we

open our doors look what we see!!!

It's a long, wonderful faith story that I will share more with you later!!

Just remember, hang in there....with God anything is possible!!

And then the icing on the cake...

I found this out!!!

Skinny is out!!!

Isn't that wonderful!!

I'm thinking I can fake strong better than I can fake skinny....:)

Just checking in with ya...

this girl is heading to bed!

Hope things are going well for you all!


  1. Congratulations! God knows the desires of our hearts and sends us promises in beautiful ways.

    We just dropped our son off at college today, and on the way home . . . a rainbow!

  2. Kudos on the new venture!! Surely, this calls for a new series, after the immense success and critical acclaim of the Cooperville Diaries! Of course, your character is named 'Strong' and she is responsible for giving us the skinny on the latest developments! Can't wait for the season debut!


  3. Congrats on the new place of business ~
    and a rainbow , now that IS special !!!
    We have missed you at the farm , beginning to think you forgot your blog bestie over here in the East ~~~ WAHHHHHH
    Blessing to you sweet girl and have a wonderful weekend,

  4. Oh, I'm so glad things are looking up around your house!!! Ain't faith wonderful?

  5. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear about your new business!

  6. Very excited to hear what your new business venture is about! Seeing a sign like that had to give you goose bumps! Happy for you girlfriend!

  7. Congrats!!! Ya did it!!! So excited for you and your hubby!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  8. Somehow, I missed this post! Wow...a awesome! God IS good...ALL the time! Even when things are not looking so good...been there, done that, (I'm there now) got 10 T-shirts and 5 bumper stickers to prove it!! Praying for you and your new business venture!! So glad to know that STRONG is "in" right now :)
