Friday, August 15, 2014

Coopville Diaries!!!!! An all new season!

Time now for the all new season of...............


Rod:  Okay!!!

Everyone gather around!!

We've got to make plans for Lisa's birthday party!!

Kloe, Kourtney and Kim:  ooohhh....we love to par-tey!!

Rod:  Pssst.. Millie....I can't trust the Kardashi-hens......they always spend way too much money.
I'm putting you in charge of this party.

Ummm....Rod....I've got bad news.

I heard those human folks gave her a party last night...but that's not the worst part.

They dressed up like chickens!!!!!!  


Millie:  Yes, like chickens...

Can you believe that?!!!!

The nerve of them.....we don't dress up like humans!!!

and that's not all.......

she had a chicken cake.....

that she was taking selfies with!!!

Rod:   Well he does look like me.......rather a handsome fellow don't you think?

Millie:  ROD!!!!  Snap out of it!!

That's not all!  

I saw them bring home a new addition to our family....


and he was....................very big.

Rod:   Well...ummm....I...ummm.....I'm not scared!!

Where is he?

Oh....there you head

you got that?..

okay...good....umm...let's go girls....hurry....

I mean....hurry because we have to get ready for the party...

Millie:  Wow....we can't compete with what those humans did for her last night.

Rod: Hmmm....let me think......I've got it!!!

Hurry girls....we've got to catch that truck I saw go by!!!

Millie:  I will be decorating the shed while y'all are chasing the truck!!

 Hmmm....add some balloons here, some bunting there....


Rod:  Okay girls.....let's get the presents wrapped!

Sambo (the cat):  What in the world are you dumb chickens up to now?

Rod: Kim, you go get her and bring her out back.

Kim:  I love my outfit....I look goood....I know my sisters wished they had an outfit like mine...does it make my butt look big.........I sure hope so.....teeheehee

Rod:  KIM!!!!!!

Kim:  okay...I'll go get her.

Knock, knock....

Kim:  Oh hello.....ummm.....we want you to come to the shed for a minute.



Lisa:  Oh wow!!!!!!  Y'all are the best!!!!  
 How in the world did y'all blow up those balloons with your itty bitty beaks?

Lucy:  Well I'll tell know Kim is full of hot air so we let her...heeheebokbok..

Lisa:  Well it's wonderful!!!  Thank you all!!!

It's been the best birthday ever and it's not even here yet....

it's Saturday!!

Fifty sure has been fabulous!!

What can be better than your family, friends and fowl giving you a party?



  1. Haha! I love it...those chickens sure know how to throw a party!! Fifty is just another number...I'd go back in a heartbeat! I hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for you, friend!!

  2. Well, the new season is off to a great start! You know they're gonna want something for all that work they did!

    Love the new "guy" and the cake.

    Great friends and happy early birthday!

  3. What an EGG-citing birthday! Lucky girl.

  4. You have great chickens to throw such a nice party! :) Happy fifty! I hit the big 5-0 a year and half ago. I survived and you will too.

  5. What a fun that cake...50? Girlfriend you do not look a day over 30!!! Happy Birthday, may you enjoy many, many more...

  6. Well thats one heck of a hen party! They sure know how to entertain. Happy Birthday Lisa! Sure hope you had a great day celebrating your 50th!!

  7. LOL! Hilarious! If we had chickens, I know my hubby would be the story teller. Great post and so funny, enjoyed it! -Bev :)
    Check out my "Fowl Art" at

  8. Oh my goodness I missed your birthday party ~ see what happens when I go out of town !!
    Looks like it I missed a clucking good time !

    Happy belated birthday my friend ~ you look maavelous !

  9. Okay, I'm a week too late to the party, does that mean you're still 40 something?;)

    A very HAPPY, BIRTHDAY Lisa!! Welcome to an entire new breed of chicks, called 'Post 50: Fowl and Fabulous'!

    Your latest episode of the Cooperville Diaries was hilarious and had me clucking...ahem, I mean, chuckling, my head off! Now, this is a chick flick to be proud of, unlike those trashy Kardashian ones!

    All the best sweetie!


  10. Happy Belated Birthday, Lisa!
    And farmhouse hugs,
