Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The TREE....the TREE

The tree!!!

The tree!!

Can you believe I'm going to show you the tree again this year?

I can't help myself.

I walk outside and I think Oh my.....the tree is so beautiful...

I MUST show this to my friends.......again......

And look to the far left.....I have another one just like it....:)

I can't wait until they are both large and flank my driveway....sigh...

I have an unhealthy attachment to this tree.

What would I do if something happened to it?

And don't think that y'all are the only "lucky" ones that get to see it.

I will load facebook up with photos of it.

I will figure out how to "slip" the tree into all of my conversations.

Friend:  Hey do you want to eat lunch Friday?

Me:  Sure, that sounds great....I hope I can find my sunglasses

because the bright pink blooms on my TREE will blind you....lol.

Friend: huh?

And if I have to drive across town and pick you up I will 

conveniently "forget" my purse and go back to my house.

Friend will say...."wow, that tree is beautiful!"

And I will casually say.....what tree?  Oh that tree....

yes it is pretty isn't it....:)

You will drive by and see me in my gown and robe because I have to get a 

morning "first light" photo of the TREE.

You will see me standing in the middle of the road so I can get a

wide angle shot of the TREE.

Friend:  Did you watch Glee last night?

Me:  No....I didn't ...but you know what rhymes with Glee

my TREE!

I know you want to know.....

It's a Kwanzan Cherry Tree.

But I should call it 

My Spring Obsession....:)

Thanks for hanging in there with me

as I told the story of my love for my TREE!

(see there it rhymes with everything)
the tree...

help me....I can't stop....


  1. Oh my goodness I love it when you are all up in your tree.
    What no , no I would never say "That girl was outa her tree "
    Nope you'll never hear me say that .
    Nice tree :)))) giggle

  2. I'm guessing you LOVE this tree! LOL! I don't blame you, it's gorgeous!!!

  3. That tree is stunning along with the rest of your flowers! I'm a nightgown in the yard kind of girl too. Anything to enjoy being outside. :)

    Thanks for your sweet comment about my office.

  4. You can find me out in the yard in my night gown quite often...and I don't have a beautiful tree as an excuse :) And speaking of trees, what a beauty she (he?) is! I would gawk at it all day if it was in my yard :)

  5. Does it get cherries? I planted one that did not get cherries, with a name at least similar to this. I loved it but my husband made fun of me, and it. He said we'll get non-bearing tomato plants next and maybe non bearing green beans. He so upset the tree that it committed suicide. Died of embarrassment. So sad. You tree is lovely so I assume your profile picture will change to the tree?

  6. Lovely tree! Yes, we had all the cherry trees in full flower mode a couple of weeks ago.

  7. It's gorgeous and so are those azaleas. How about some more pictures of those too?

    I have to ask what zone are you in I'm 7a or 7b ish. I wonder if I could grow one too?


    Cottage Making Mommy

  8. Love that tree Lisa! It's a beautiful Blessing I can tell :)

  9. Willow....I can see you hanging with me in the tree....lol. :) I would call you Willow Tree....heeheeeee

  10. Thank you Terri! I do love this tree!!

  11. I'm sure you could Valerie...I'm in zone 8a. We had a very cold winter this year but it didn't seem to hurt it at all. Go for it!! I will be putting more flower photos..don't you worry!

  12. Thank you S Mason..you are right...it is a blessing...:)

  13. What a great springtime treat! The pinks blossoms are just amazing! Sit back on your porch and enjoy every single day it is in bloom!

  14. Your "Tree"i s absolutely beautiful Lisa, Enjoy!

  15. What a lovely piece of property you have. I don't blame you for being excited about your tree. It's beautiful and such a treat to see after this horrible winter down here.

  16. Oh My Goodness! That tree is so beautiful.
    Smiles, Dottie
