Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Real Life

It is a beautiful, sunshine filled day.

I was out hanging clothes on the line and thought I should take a photo of it.

Then I thought.....I can't take a photo of these ragged things.

But you know.....

that's life....

real life....

Life is worn out towels.....

mismatched socks....

faded blue jeans....

It's inside out shirts.....

stained work pants....

and weeds growing everywhere....

But it's also abundant sunshine.....

birds singing....

green grass underfoot.....

It's fresh, clean air.....

and a slight welcome breeze....

It's new growth....

and flowers yet to come....

Life is all of these things....

and so much more...

It's real....

it's not always perfect....

and I wouldn't have it any other way...


  1. Enjoyed the photos and the thoughts about life, so true, what a great life it is especially country life. I love to smell and sleep under sun kissed sheets.

  2. Love the chicken themed decor on your clothesline! And I myself tend to like life's little imperfections. Makes things interesting.

  3. A very lovely post, my friend...filled with much truth and "real", love to see chothes hanging on the line!

  4. Hi Sweetie...I love your photos and your green, green, grass....I need a shovel to get to my clothesline still dealing with piles of snow here. I'll be so glad when I can finally hang my sheets out on the line...there's nothing nicer than taking them straight from the line and putting them back on the bed...oh for those summer days again.
    Love and Hugs

  5. My Sweet Maine!! I was just thinking about you! I sure have missed you...I really wish you would bring your blog back. I hope you are doing well. I hope the warm weather reaches you soon...:) Love and hugs!!!!!!!!

  6. You know the older I get the more joy I get in making things last as long as possible. So I say yay for old worn clothes that still work. More money in our pockets.

  7. Absolutely one of the best posts that I have read in a long time! Real is better than fake. Have a fun day at the clothes line!

  8. That is the best kind of life there is ~ and if you have a pretty tree in the yard too , then it's darn near perfect at times , ain't it !
    Some day we will hang out under that tree ~ or that clothesline and just laugh until we cry :)))

  9. Amen !! Loved this post and photos ! Keep it real I say ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  10. I LOVE your clothes line! Sure wish I had one just like it.

  11. All I can say is~~~I LOVE IT! Your clothesline is precious and I want one at my cottage! Blessings~~~Roxie

  12. Lisa - very true post. Things just wear out after a certain period of time. But, we are fortunate that we have things to wear out, aren't we? I am your newest follower.


  13. I love to see cloths hanging on the line to dry! Your yard just looks so great with all of the green grass! I can't wait to have my clothsline up at the new place!!

  14. Great post! You know how to keep it real!
