Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year........Atchooooo!

Well my last post I was filling you in on me pretending to be sick in order

to get out of going to my class reunion.


don't do that.....


The Monday after the reunion I started feeling bad.

For real.

I had a full blown case of the flu!

Which I have never had in my life!

Me and my big mouth....ugggg.

Tomorrow will be one full week of it.

I am finally feeling better....not well....better.

It has settled into my chest and I still have a cough.

But at least I can sit upright on the couch and watch t.v......yea!

And now look what us deep south southerners have coming our way.

And I know that this is short wearing weather to you Northern folks but not to us!

And tomorrow night..........12 degrees!!

Never in my entire life have I known it to get that cold here!

So I have a heat lamp on my chickens and all the dogs and cats will be inside the house....

oh joy....

and I have a female dog in heat and two male dogs...

oh joy....

and the house is already overflowing...

have I felt like doing laundry....


is college kid  here with all of his stuff....


have I put up Christmas decorations yet....


don't you want to live with us...


Since I wasn't awake or coherent to ring in the New Year

do I get a do over? happy day after Christmas!!

What are your plans for New Years Eve?

(just go with this okay?)

Did I tell you I am still heavily medicated?



I just know 2014 is going to be great!!


  1. It really is going to be great!!!
    Sparkle is my word for 2014. So how could it not be anything but great. I am very quiet and that word is very bold... we will see!

  2. Sorry you got sick over New Year's. I was sick with a bad cold all of Christmas week. I think the Pacific Northwest is the only place in the nation that's not getting any bad weather. We've had unseasonably dry weather all month. Which is what I don't want! I want to ski and our mountains have hardly any snow..... Stay warm where you're at.

  3. So sorry you have been so sick...that's just awful! At least it looks like you be getting snow. We are getting down to 6 degrees tomorrow night....weird weather!
    Keep those chickens warm and I hope you are WELL soon!

  4. I am going to overnight you half my below Zero New England winter wear LOL
    I had to hide your post from my snow bound chickens or they'll be wanting me to overnight them to your heated coop !
    Hope you feel better soon ~ um ...chicken soup ? ~ Shhh run Rod run !

  5. I am so sorry you got sick. Praying you are better soon. Doesn't sound like a fun place to be, your house. You might want to bring the chickens in, too.
    We are to have -40 windchills starting tonight through noon Tuesday. Not going to like that.
    Stay in, stay warm!

  6. But did you get to the reunion and if so, how was it? Feel well soon, your posts have been missed...Now go to and get yourselve some long underwear...Hugs, Julie.

  7. Sorry you came down with the crud. Hang in there. Maybe you'll be all well soon. Can you believe this weather? We won't be quite as bad as at your house, but 17 degrees (the prediction for here in a day or so) is just plain nasty. Hasn't been that low since 1998 shortly after we moved in our house. Stay warm!!!!

  8. I think you need a winter vacation in a tropical paradise and I think I need to come with you...sound like a plan? :( so sorry you've been sooooo sicky-poo....hoping today you're feeling a little better. I'm trying to avoid getting the flu at all costs so guess it's a good thing my house, driveway and yard are surrounded by inches thick of ice and snow...oh yah..and today the temperature has gone from -10 to +40 and it's raining cats and dogs here in Maine then by tonight it's supposed to plummet to about 3 about crazy's wonder there's so many people getting that nasty flu. Take care my friend, stay warm, drink tea and soon you'll be back to "normal"...whatever that is.
    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  9. I'm so sorry you've been sick! That sounds just horrible. The weather is strange for your area. I think the whole country is stuck in a cold front right now. We brought all our cats and dog inside as well. And there's a rooster in the guest bathroom. It's a little bit crazy right now haha! Want to come over? ;)

  10. Hi Lisa,

    Hope ya get better, girl! I have missed you and your blog. I'm trying to get back to visiting all my blogging buddies. Stay warm!!!

