Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chicken Coop Wars!

Lisa: "Shannon we need to insulate the chicken coop so they won't freeze to death!!!!

 Shannon: "the chickens will be fine"

 Lisa: "they need a heater and blankets and a door!!!"

 Shannon: "the chickens will be fine...you better NOT go buy anything for the chickens!"

 Lisa: (to herself) "hmmm....how can I insulate the coop?......I know....I'll use all of Shannon's sweat pants and push them into the holes in the coop....heeheeee.....

 Shannon: "You didn't go out and buy anything for that chicken coop did you? I told you the chickens will be fine."

 Lisa: "No I sure didn't sweetie....

Later on that night...... Shannon: "Brrrr....it's cold....have you seen any of my sweatpants?"

 Lisa: "Ummm...don't worry about your sweatpants.....I'm sure you will be fine....."


  1. Hahaha...those poor lil' chickens need to be warm. Hope he doesn't go in the chicken coop anytime soon. :) You might be in BIG trouble if he does. Hugs

  2. LOL- how did your chickens do in the colder weather. You know, they will probably quit laying after the cold. Double up their cracked corn, and they should be fine.
    Plenty of straw and you can use the bottoms of egg cartons as insulation. Save them up this year and staple them inside! It will help with the heat, too!
    Guess you will have to add another log to the fire for Shannon.

  3. Pictures don't lie. You REALLY did do it, didn't you? Lol!

  4. Oh you didn't! I appauld you...Shhhhh I just hung a second heatlamp in the coop...my girls were all smiles...

  5. Ha, ha, ha!! That's what he gets for not helping you keep the chickens warm. Just make sure he doesn't read your blog. :)

  6. Hah! This is too funny. We had a similar conversation this week!

  7. Uh huh, mess with the chickens' mama and see what you get!!! So, when does he get his sweats back???

  8. Just being thrifty and using what's available... :)

  9. Funny. Ours are doing fine without heat. My husband has been checking up on them and says it's staying ok in there with all those feathers and cuddling chicks.

  10. Hah haha That'll teach her ! lol
    You should buy your chickens a pony to keep their feet warm ! her

  11. Err ~ him " that'll teach him " !
    My chickens now all line up on the ponies backs at night , to them the ponies are now feet warmers lol
