Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree Cakes.....





The cave woman genes are kicking in this morning....

I'm storing up for the winter.

And speaking of eating....

do you have a certain way that you eat something?

Like pop tarts for instance...

First of all these are the only two kinds that I like...

Isn't it nice to look at blurry pics first thing in the morning?

I could go take another one....

but we all know that I am lazy...:)

Now.....when I toast my pop tart....okay....let's be honest....it's pop tartS

because how can you open the package and only eat one....

the other one will get stale......DUH!

Any way you must time the toasting just right....

You have to toast it just warm enough that the filling melts inside

but don't over toast where the sides are crunchy.

I over toasted this morning...

totally messes up my day....

My husband would say something snarky like

"Wow.....the pressure you must be under to get your pop tarts

right while I'm at work all day."

But you can always get men back.....

All you have to say is...

"it affects you too my dear..............."


So I hope you all have a perfectly toasted pop tart day!!!

:) :) :) :)


  1. Thanks for this pop tart recipe I took notes .
    I burn the toast .
    I am an awful cook ( unlike my mom who is Betty Crocker) , but I tip well for take out :))

  2. When I'm eating Pop Tarts, they usually don't make it to the toaster! :)

  3. Oh, I have those CHRISTmas tree snacks in my drawer here. Love them. Pop Tarts we buy in the cheaper version, because they more insides to them than the original Pop Tarts and we all know its the insides that count. I nuke mine, then cut off the crusts, because I don't like it and then I chomp away. I love chocolate and blue berry and strawberry...ok, I think we are out of them so putting them on the grocery list.

  4. Oh pop-tarts used to be my FAVORITE breakfast! Sadly I haven't had one in years!

  5. I've decided I'm going to create a custom stamp with the words "Oh my gosh! You crack me up!" and keep it right beside my computer so each time I come to your blog, I can just stamp that right into the comment block, because that's all I ever say!

    But.....Oh my gosh! You crack me up!

    By the way - those are the only two flavors of pop tarts I eat and I toast them until crispy around the edges. I then spread butter on the strawberry ones. Oh yes I do!

    I need to go shopping....
