Monday, December 16, 2013

Let's Get REAL....

Good morning!

As I am sitting here drooling over all the beautiful blogs

showing their Christmas decor I am envious.....

I know I shouldn't be...

but I am.

Even if I had a million dollars

which I don't...

I couldn't create such loveliness.

Some people just have that touch 

and some don't.

So I'm going to show y'all what I'm talking about.

Let's get REAL....:)

This is a basket of Christmas ornaments....

this one is not bad....

they are plastic.....

what would the great decorators do with it?

I don't know......and that is the problem....:)

I found this cute little thingie and thought I could put it on a friends gift..... has 2011 on it!!

What?  We were friends in 2011 but not in 2013? says friends "forever".....:)))

I do this all the something....lose it.....forget to give it...

Okay.....this one is subtle....

can you find the problem?

Wow that might open up a can of worms.....

can you find the problem besides orange curtains,

Alabama decor, a curtain valance used as a table runner....

I could go on and on but do you see the jersey hanging on the wall?

It's hanging on top of a giant shadow box....

I know, I should be inside of it and not hanging on top of it...

told you I was hopeless....

but anyway.....look right below the jersey.... reflection wearing my dirty, nappy robe.

Ahhhh......this room has promise....

Isn't that pretty?


 A good case of cropping.....

This lovely room has an exercise machine and the Christmas tree box!

Now you might think this is a lovely photo with the sun shining through

the morning mist....


there is no mist...

just dirty windows....

for REAL....

Now this isn't bad

for me....

except of course there is at least one plastic store bag....

but the REAL truth is...

that light hanging above the mirror...

well I plugged it in last night and sparks went everywhere

the socket turned black

and now I'm scared to plug it back in for fear of burning the house down..

isn't that nice?

This photo is to show you my change jar.....

which once had some dollar bills in it but I have robbed them all!

Hold up......

I think I missed one!

And if we are going to be REAL....

I will probably have to take the change to one of those machines

just to finish my shopping.


I'm not the decorator type.....

and I'm pinching pennies.....

and speaking of pinching.....

my pants are too tight......

but let's get REAL....

I'm going to the kitchen and eating at least 2 brownies that I made last night...

You may step in chicken poop as you make your way to my front door....

My men grumble and complain if I try to watch Hallmark Christmas movies...

I bought my nieces presents early this year....yea!...

and now I can't find them!

I tried to hang the old fashioned lights on the porch 

and had them all the way around it when one slipped off the edge

and brought the rest of them down like dominoes...

and most of them broke....

and speaking of broke....


But thank you God

that none of these things that I have mentioned REALLY matter..

that we have something greater that

is the REAL meaning of Christmas!

The birth of my Lord Jesus Christ has given me the best present of all!

I really hope that all of you have accepted this gift....






  1. Thanks Lisa! You always make me smile! And I agree with you.... Jesus IS the reason for the season! Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours!

  2. Your Christmas decorations are lovely! And your house looks great. If you want to see a messy home, come visit me! :) Decorating is definitely not my thing! But I do so enjoy seeing the lovely things others do for their homes.

  3. You bet He is! But just to let you know...I think you don't give yourself enough credit, girlfriend. Don't think you are the only one who has an exercise machine and a Christmas tree box in their bedroom...appearances are often deceiving, my dear. come to my house and you will have an eye opening experience for sure :)

  4. If I had any money, I'd send you a huge gift :)

    Love this post and your "realness"!!

  5. Well bless your soul ~ you always make me happy ! lol
    That's a great crop job ...beautiful room .
    What most blogs do I bet cha ,
    ( they just don't tell ~ hee hee) so don't you go getting lost in envy !
    At least you have to go outside to step in chicken poop ... unless (like me) you bring your chickens into the den for silly holiday photos ... yup that's my post ~
    Show it to your rooster :))

  6. My funny friend...I love your decorating and your nappy robe and I especially love that you do get real because "Your Ordinary Country Life" is what so many others wish they could have. Every photo you take of your home that I see on your blog is filled with warmth and a feeling of home...a home that is lived in .... not a museum. It's perfect!!!! are you. :) Love and Hugs

  7. Hey, girl! Merry Christmas! I just found your blog again!!!!! I am so excited I think I pee'd myself...that's what you do when you get old. Well, anyhow...been having lots of computer buggers and hackers and troubles and deleting and undeleting my blog cuz just SURE it had to do with memes on blogger...but can't live without blogland friends, even though I can't live without computer....hence the deleting and undeleting...and unfollowing then following. I was sitting here tonight thinking about all the people I missed when I thought, "oh, yeah....I could find them through old comments I didn't delete.", which is how I refound you!!!!I'm so excited. I had googled, "blog with Coupeville diary featuring a rooster named Rod Stewart...." but it just brought up Rod Stewart far too then I found your name in my comments and googled Lisa Tucker's blog", which brought up a writer that wrote Vampire Diaries...did you know that? And finally, I saw a Lisa Tucker that mentioned the name of her blog....and it was YOU!!!! Can you tell I am super excited?????!!!! I am!!!! Now, I can laugh again! Anyway, Yes, I accepted Jesus as my savior when I was 10...that's 48 years ago....and I haven't regretted a single solitary day of being dipped in that water! Hugs....and you do a wonderful job decorating!!!

  8. You always make me laugh! I love how real you are in all your posts. And I happen to like your decorations!

  9. Leave It To Davis....I have missed you!!!! You are hilarious and I am so glad you are back!!! Totally makes my day, week, year...:)))

  10. My sweet Maine.....I love you....and I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

  11. Thank you Donna Phillips!!!! So happy to see you here!!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!!
