Tuesday, September 17, 2013



Or should I say hay!

This is not our hay or our hay field.

I wish it was....I love fields and pastures.

But we weren't there to check on the hay....

we were there to check on the doves in the hay field.

The guys were planning a big dove shoot later this week.

We rode.....we looked.....we inspected....

I snapped a hundred photos...

I shot a panoramic shot....

I tried every button on my camera....

I shot the sun setting...

All the while hubby is looking for doves....

and asking me "how many do you see?"

Ummmm.....click, click, click...

Oooohhh......look at the sky....

click, click, click....

What did I do before I got this camera?

Ok....so hubby and I counted and counted and it took both of us but we counted....

one dove.

Hubby was not happy.

I couldn't help but snicker.....teehee....

And I made it worse by saying things like...

Have you ever watched that movie.."Lonesome Dove"?...


One last photo....

as he dove....I mean...drove home....heeheeeeee.


  1. Your photos are AWESOME and I love your stories when you go along to HELP? your hubby...not sure if HELP is the right word here...but ya' make me laugh and smile...and that's why I love ya' so much. Goodnight my sweet, crazy, funny, talented friend.

  2. Thank you my friend!!! I am such a helper aren't I????...:) I'm so glad you are smiling....and so am I...we rock don't we...:))))) Goodnight friend!

  3. Ha ha! If I were out there with my hubby I'd be doing the same thing as you. Doves, what doves? But look at this awesome sunset shot I captured!! :)

  4. Love your photos and the hay field. I can't believe you shoot doves! I love mine here.
    Love the sunset- and your attitude. Your man must have a sense of humor...or you cook really good. LOL

  5. What a beautiful sky! I am as crazy as you! I thought I was in for the night (sitting here in my night gown) and I looked out the window and noticed that the sky was turning pink...all that I could see of it through the woods. Well, I threw on my clothes and went out on one of my famous sunset chases. It's kinda like an addiction...I can't stand the thought of missing one. A few nights ago, the same thing happened except I got in the car WEARING my night gown, left the house with JUST my camera (no driver's license or purse or anything) and last but not least NO GAS IN MY CAR! :O Needless to say, it was a very short trip as I turned around as I was praying I didn't get pulled over..lol!

  6. I won't tell you how many doves we feed at the feeders here, they are well loved...

    Great shots, loving the light.


  7. I really like that panoramic shot! I need a new camera.

  8. This is such a wonderful post that I actually read it out loud to my hubby! He think's that I'm the only crazy camera carrying (impractical) farm woman out there. AND both he and Jack are ALL about doves these days! ;-O Thanks for always making me welcome and understood on your fun blog!

  9. Heh Hee he is going to get so mad he will "dove tail" all over the road if you don't stop that Lisa hahah

  10. Oh Willow i wish I had thought about "dove tail"...heeheeeeee....I could have said "no birds...let's dove tail it outta here."....hahahaha...lol Next time I will email you first..:)

  11. Fabulous photos! You caught the creativity of God!
