Thursday, September 19, 2013


Even though my birthday was a month ago we are still celebrating it!!


Isn't that fun?

At least for me...:)))

But really my friends were all starting school or finishing up summer vacation

and this was the first time we could get together for my birthday lunch!

Yes more mexican food....I like it...okay?

Good friends....

More goodies for me...

Yes...that is a chicken scarf.....squeeeelllll!!!!!

And then today I'm listening to my Christian radio station and there is a program on about friends.

And how friendships are important to us and that God wants us to have friends.

And then he quoted a Swedish saying that I had never heard but I loved.

Isn't that true?!!!

Your friends are there in your joyful times

ready to celebrate with you


more importantly they are there

when you are sad ready to hold your hand.

So to all of my friends 

near and far (you and you and you and you and you and you)

Thank you for being my friend!!!

I feel truly blessed!


  1. How fun! Love the huge sombrero :) Looks like a great time. Love all your chicken gifts of course too. Friends are wonderful!

  2. What a sweet post...and I love that Swedish is so true. I love the chicken scarf too and my dahhhling, you look simply divine in a sombrero!

  3. What great friends to know your tastes so well. The gifts and sombrero are adorable. Hope it's a very happy year for you!

  4. Well Happy Birthday again then friend ! :)
    You looked very happy out with your buddies !
    Now come over to my place and go for a pony cart ride come on I am saving you the "V.I.P. birthday a month ago seat" . lol

  5. Great friends and super gifts! Would that be some sort of sopapilla you are eating?

  6. Happy B-day! I like the Swedish proverb. So true!

  7. Popping in from G+ - I'm a huge Mexican food fan myself, YUM! Happy belated birthday!

  8. Birthday celebrations are fun no matter how late they are. Its looks like you had a great time and what a wonderful pics of your girlfriends!

  9. sweet smile you have and you can see how dear your friends are and have been to you -- totally indeed a blessing to have them... keep the joy near... and happy B-day a month ago and many more!! Hugs
