Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hubby's Helper

Well I hope you all had a great weekend.

Mine was pretty good, I'm not going to talk about the evil plague poison oak any more (aren't you glad!)

I'm going to tell you how helpful I can be for my sweet hubby.

Saturday he asked me to go with him to spray some fields at a camp at the river.

Of course being the helpful wife that I am (after gesturing to my you know what on my arms and pouting and getting no sympathy) I said I would go with him.

So after I packed a bag or two (insert hubby eye rolling) we were off.

Not one mile down the road hubby decided (even though we have a perfectly good air conditioner) that we should ride with the windows down.

I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with the Clorox bleach that I had all over my arms for the you know what.

That's fine you are suppose to ride on country roads with your arm hanging out the window anyway.

We get to the creepy camp and he sets up the sprayer on the ranger and away he goes.

What was my job as his helper...you ask?

I was to keep myself and the dogs entertained and out of trouble.

Dogs entertained..........check!

Now let's see what I can do......

I did a little bit of this....

And a little bit of this.....

And a little bit of this....

And a little bit of this....

And a little bit of this....

And my most important job was when hubby would come back to refill the sprayer I would yell

"It's 93 degrees even in the shade!!!!"

I know he appreciated knowing that information.

I help when I can....:)

Plus I needed to make sure that he knew that I was hot

....and not in the sexy way....

as you can tell by the fat rolls and the slicked back hair.

And then I decided after finding a bottle of nail polish in my bag that I would paint my awful toenails.

And since I had nothing but time I was able to layer on many coats.

Now are you screaming at the computer screen ?(you know, like you do in horror movies)

"DON'T  DO IT!!"

Did you know there is a reason you have manicures and pedicures in air conditioned buildings?

Um hmm.....yep....

that stuff melted right off my toes!

And then just before I had a melt down myself, hubby showed up and said let's go.

And then we passed by the beautiful pastures...

And stress just melted away (like my pedicure).

We went over the bridge across the creek...

the dogs were so happy to feel a breeze...

And right after we passed the view of the river I said to hubby....

"oh can we turn around and let me take a picture of the river?"

(I'm always thinking of y'all)

Well as he tried to swing around we slid into a huge hole and got stuck!

 We lost a little bit of our peace as he tried to get out and then we broke something under the truck.

I meekly said

"do you want me to push?"

The truck ran hot.....and hubby may have also....

but we eventually got out and headed on home.
(sorry...no river pic)

All was well again in our little world and another typical day in the country was behind us.

(except that I have to help him put in a  new drive shaft tomorrow evening...yuck!)

I'm so glad I was there to help dear hubby......I'm sure he was too....:))))))

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  1. You are such a nice wife going with your hubby! Sounds like you kept yourself entertained in the car. I will never try a pedicure in the heat now, so thanks for that tip! Haha.

  2. Drive shaft? Ohhhhhh...I'm glad you just made it home!!! Think he'll need your help next time?

  3. Oh heck I hate to be hot so I can relate but what an adventure. It is so pretty there. And girl stop putting yourself down. You are an attractive woman. Men like a little fluff. Don't buy the crap in those magazines. I know cause my hubby told me so.

  4. You're so funny...and cute too :)

  5. As I read this I couldn't help but wonder if we are related :D ya'll have our kinda luck & my husband always needs help with stuff that well, a nice way to put it is stinks!! And Lord, as for the getting stuck part...my husband & son took MY 4 Runner through "a little washed out place" & well let's just say mud was on the top of my car & water was up to the door! I do love living in the South BUT that red GA clay just don't play! Oh, & here's a thought...while he's doing the drive shaft have your nails done :)

  6. Ha. ha, sounds like how I occupy my time while waiting for my hubby. But bummer on the broken drive shaft! I was going to mention the best thing that helped dry up my poison yuck was a blow dryer. Just hold it over the affected area for as long as you can stand. It itches terrible for a few seconds, but actually relieves the itch afterwards. It took me a couple of trips to the Dr to be rid of it! Good luck!

  7. LOL- thanks for the heads up on the nail polish in hot weather. Who would have thought? Looks about as back woodsy as it gets. Don't you love it how its all your fault- like getting stuck? He picked the place to turn around...
    Glad you made it back home and he did use the gun in the front seat.

  8. YOU ARE SO STINKING FUNNY!!! My cheeks hurt from laughing so much. I bet you keep your hubby rolling, too....not the truck always, but your hubby. Right? Hope the plague goes away soon!

  9. Well, I guess that's the last time he will ask you to go along..lol.

  10. Creepy camp? It just needs your loving touch . . . you don’t need to read a thing in a weight loss magazine, Lisa. You are gorgeous!

  11. Honestly, Lisa......you could write a book. I just keep reading and reading because you are so interesting. What an enjoyable blog you have. Glad you had a "nice" time in the country!

  12. Oh my gosh! Thanks for the great laugh today! heeehehhehehhehe...hahahhahaha...poor men.
