Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fairy Godmother was here.....

I really tried to wait until I had a good, sunny day and take great pics of this project but it was not meant to be.

Also, I was so excited when I stumbled upon this treasure I didn't take a before pic.

My husband is a Stihl chainsaw dealer and they had a metal mannequin that you could put Stihl clothing on and he would also hold a Stihl chainsaw.

Well one day I went to the shop and it was sitting out back and I asked hubby if I could have it and he said yes! (jumping up and down clapping hands while squeeling...not him...but me.)

Picture this...

sort of.....

Did I show you step by step what I did?


I was running around like Cinderella's mice dressing this thing!

And here she is......

Miss Stihl Magnolia (get it....Steel...Stihl)

I call her Maggie for short....

The girls couldn't wait to check her out!

She sits beside the chicken scratch area.

She has a crow on her shoulder.

 I braided some yarn for her hair and went to the thrift store for her hat and her clothing.

Of course she had to have eggs in her basket.

Next year these beds will hold vegetables, I hope.

It has rained so much here the flowers didn't do very well.

I still have work to do on the beds and between the beds...

if the fairy godmother would just cough up a little more money and time.

So there you have it..maybe next year I will have pumpkins in the garden


Miss Stihl Magnolia.

Her chariot awaits...

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  1. I just LOVE her! The perfect touch!

  2. I so love her! Oh, I want one of those. Maybe you could talk your hubby into talking to the higher ups and have them put in a scarecrow line with these! Awesome!

  3. Oh how cool! That's the best looking scarecrow I've ever seen.

  4. Lisa, That is a darling "little maiden" in your garden. You really made her look so cute! I was going to make one this year but have not got around to it. I like your made of metal....that's better than straw! Good job, girl! You are always doing something that I love!

  5. Well, that is just as cute as can be!!! Can't blame you for getting so excited and forgetting the "before" photos....I am forever doing that myself. Adorable post!

  6. She's so sweet! You could sit out there and have tea with her in the morning. Oh, better yet...have a glass of wine with her in the evening. I bet she's a great listener!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  7. Oh she is just so perfect! I'm always wanting a "scarecrone" for the garden, but this little lady is ideal...and you did a terrific job of dressing her up!

  8. lol....leave it to YOU to dress a steel mannequin and name it Stihl Magnolia!!! Love it!!! You have such a creative mind.

  9. Oh my gosh, she is adorable!... popped over from Rooted in Thyme... signing on as your newest follower... I can't wait to go back and read some of your older posts!... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. You are brilliant! I want to live in that little section of your's just so darn cute!

  11. Oh, I love Miss Maggie!!! What fun to keep decking her out as the months change.

  12. Oh my gosh, I love her! Miss Stihl perfect! What a neat way to use the wire figure. So creative!

    And I am in love with your chicken scratch area. Your chicken coop area is just so darn cute!

  13. I L O V E her and I love the little metal Chicken Scratch area. Is it an old headboard?

    I love your profile comment that you aren't particularly great at anything, but living. There are many people who are great at sports, art, earning money, etc., but they aren't great at living. I would say you have it pretty good.

  14. She looks fabulous in her setting.
    She would probably scare me to death, standing in MY yard...but she is PERFECT for did good.
    xo bj

  15. Good golly, Miss Maggie, you Stihl Magnolia, you. Nice to meet you.

  16. I love Miss Stihl Magnolia! I made a form out of chicken wire years ago. She's called my 'scare lady'. Have not dressed her since we moved to this home. Saw her in the garage and thought I would get her a 'Fall' dress and put her in the garden. Waiting a bit, hoping it will cool down. Her clothes would sun fade so easily when I used her years ago. Maybe they can be pen pals? Thanks for sharing your gal with SYC.

  17. Oh, how cool! So happy for you - you can do so many things with this mannequin! Looks terrific in the garden! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  18. Totally perfect and coolish -- I want one..
    Love how you dress it and colors too..
    It all works so well in your garden area next to the coop -- LOVE this idea... gotta get one..

  19. Oh my...Stihl Magnolia is just darling, how very creative you are!!! My chickens are a bit envious of your sweet coop and it's wonderful surroundings...I fear my girls will go on strike till they get an upgrade!!!! Hugs, Julie.
