Friday, July 26, 2013


Yesterday it did not rain.

I did not know what to do.

I couldn't wait to get outside with my camera.

Coopville Diaries is due today and I had no photos.

I grabbed my camera and went in search of the chickens.

I ran outside to find my chickens and the first thing I ran into in the back yard was a 

giant snake.

Where is the ask?

I turned my camera on and it fogged up inside and out.....did I mention 100% humidity today?

So no photo of the killing of the snake.....I was looking down at my camera and when I

looked up the snake was gone.

Which made me extremely nervous and them my cat rubbed against my leg and I had to go back inside and change my pants.

So Coopville Diaries will be a little late....

and awwww....ain't that a shame about the camera because now I can't show you

photos of the progress of the laundry room....

let's just say it looks like this....


if you know me AT ALL

then you know it does not look like this...

but let's pretend that it does.

So maybe tomorrow I can get back on track....

I hope you all have a great day!!


  1. 100% humidity. Puke. I'd have to be inside. Hope cooler weather is coming your way.

  2. Humidity...ugh! It wreaks havoc with everything. Hope things dry up for you.

  3. LOL! You have SOOO many wild adventures!

  4. I think I watch your weather as much as mine . . . these last two rain free days have been heaven on earth . . . now I hear thunder again and must get the clothes off the line . . . I’m afraid of SNAKES!

  5. Holy crap, was the snake after the chickens? Great grandpa had a huge black snake that laid above the door of his chicken coop. He liked it there- kept the mouse popular down and out of the chicken feed. Great grandma grabbed dad to the side when we were visiting and had him go in and kill it. She was afraid it would drop on someone and give them a heart attack. Ggrandpa was so mad!
    Had the fogging up problem last week. If you have a gas oven, and there's a pilot light on in there, put you camera in there over night. It will dry it out.
    I am real sure your laundry room looked like that after you changed your pants. LOL on the cat, I can just see you out there.

  6. lol..I hate snakes! I would have had to change my pants too! We had that darn humidity last week! Glad its gone.

  7. lol....I would have had to change my pants, too. Why is it the camera either doesn't work or the battery is dead or you don't have it any time there is something you REALLY want a picture, meaning me...not you. lol

    And your laundry room CAN look just like that with a little elbow grease!

  8. OK, we'll pretend- GREAT laundry room, you've done a super job with it.

    I hate it when my camera fogs up. I've missed some great photos that way as well.
