Monday, July 22, 2013

An Update On My Laundry Room!

So here is an update on how my weekend went....

A lot of rain!

Like cats and dogs rain!

Like a river in my backyard rain!

I got soaked trying to get Baby Kitty inside.

So I left you Saturday with this mess....

And I've worked 92 hours and have this much organized...

What can I say.....I'm slow.....and easily distrac......oh what a cute top that girl on t.v. has on....

And now that my house is turned upside down and will take weeks to set straight sister is here visiting and we are going to lay by the pool and go shopping all the while pretending like I'm Martha Stewart with a clean and organized house.

If an emergency arises at our home and people show up for said emergency then I will just have to claim "I've been robbed!" "Looters!"  "Look what they did to my house!"

If for some reason you think you need to come by my house in the next week...month...year I will pretend like I'm not home even if you are standing at the door looking at me through the glass.

These are called coping skills..........or keeps me sane.

So if you will excuse me I'm going to pick my way, ouch, darn boxes....grunt....shove.......streeeeeetch and reach the dryer and get my beach towel and hop, ouch, stubbed toe, ouch, ouch, hop, screeech move table...bam!...knock over books, sigh......turn sideways,...wiggle, wiggle and out the door....yea!

Have a great day......I plan to....:)


  1. That is totally what I hate about home projects. The mess overwhelms me.

  2. That was such a fun post, Lisa. Yes, I know you aren't having fun organizing all that 'mess' but just think how great it will look when you are finished.

  3. This post and your laundry room organization post had me rolling because I can sooooo relate. You see I was going to take some scraps to the pig while I went out to set up my newly completed rain barrel (my husband completed the rain barrel, not me). I made it to the back porch and got on one of my lovely pink mud boots (It's been raining nonstop in NC and it's very wet outside. Now you're wondering why I would even need to catch rain in a barrel, right?). For some reason that I cannot remember (think it was to put my towels into the dryer) I came back into the house and ended up checking email and reading your blog. I'm pretty sure I was checking email to see if a former coworked had contacted me about going to lunch this week, but I have no clue why I started looking at blogs. What is especially disturbing about this side track is the fact that I'm sitting at the computer in my junky spare room with a bandana tied around my head and wearing one pink mud boot while my tomato scraps and my other boot sit on the porch waiting for me. In case you're wondering about the bandana I'm wearing it because I anticipate sweating profusely if I ever make it outside. All of this to point out that you are not alone in your distraction and disorganization. When my husband questions me I just insist that I'm much better at multitasking, hence the many, many projects going at the same time. I also try to keep the door closed to the spare room where most of my unfinished projects reside. He doesn't go in there often. Now I'm just hoping he doesn't come home before I get my other boot on because I think it's going to be hard to explain why I'm wearing only one boot. Love, love, love your blog! Tammy

  4. At least if you have a craft project coming up soon, you will know where to find your paint!

  5. Yep I'd rather be doing most anything else than cleaning out my closets or getting rid of clutter. Good luck with your endeavor. And stay dry! :)

  6. Ha Ha I love your sence of humor ! Your organizing skills ...well didn't I just see that room on an episode of hoarders ;) hee hee

  7. I say go lay by the pool, that mess will still be there when you get back!

  8. Oh sweetie, there will be time to work later. I say play, play, play! Believe me, the works not going anywhere! We had torrential rain like that last Tues. It came down fast and furious. Now we are back to 100 plus temps and need more, more, more!

  9. Hey! I have a suggestion. I can see me with all those bottles of paint sitting on a shelf. I reach for one and they tumble like dominoes! Had that happen, as a matter of fact. Get you some Hobby Lobby or Target or WAllyworld...and put those little suckers in the baskets by color not a big basket...several smaller ones....they even have some at Hobby Lobby with chalk board on the outside of the basket...or just use a piece of paper, if you will....and write the color hues on the front so that you can find them easily. And they will look SOOOOO much more organized than just sitting there on the shelf. Just a suggestion from when I used to paint t-shirts. I organized my laundry room that way and I love going in there now. (and I bought some put together shelves that sit on top of my built in shelf that I sit them on....they look so nice and organized!) When you and your sister go shopping, I suggest you look for some. :) Wish I was there....I'd go buy some for you and come help you organize that paint!!!!!

  10. Another wonderful way to start my day here in Alaska. I bet there are some wonderful projects hiding in there just waiting to be found. My daughter is visiting so she will be helping me have a yard sale to get rid of some of my unfinished projects. I shared your blogs with her and we were both rolling on the floor laughing. We can so relate and are happy to find another kindred spirit. Looking forward to another post.

  11. you have me laughing....I can just picture you sitting there with one pink boot Sounds like to me that you need a blog...:)))))) Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Lol...Willow...I'm glad you liked don't turn me in to hoarders....:)))))

  13. Great idea Leave It To Davis...:))) If only the rest of the room could be done so easily! Thanks!!

  14. Thank you Merrilyn! Wow, Alaska!! Sounds like you need to start a blog....I would love to hear about unorganized people in

  15. Hahhahah! This cracked me up! I'm easily distracted too, which is why one simple project takes me forever!

    Go have fun :)

  16. You are just freakin' hilarious! I want you as a neighbor. We would have so much fun!
    How big is your laundry room, girl? Looks like its the size of my living room.
    I can be cured any time of my stashes. There's nothing a bon fire or dumpster couldn't fix here!
    Hope you don't have to go back in there for the suntan lotion...steel toed flip flops seem to be the new dress code for laundry rooms.
