Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas Decorating at Work

Well what do you do when you work all the time?
You use up all your Christmas decorating mojo at work
and that's why you don't have even one Christmas sprinkle
at your house.
So let's see what's going on at Tucker ATV shall we?
I made the guys build me a front porch in our lawn mower/ home section.
I have loved decorating it!
Meanwhile my front porch at home looks like this.
They want to know where the Christmas treats are!
Back at Tucker ATV I have put out several trees surrounded by my woodland creatures.

While working on the computer (cough cough) I found this!
The Shepherd on the Search
What a great idea!  It's like the elf on the shelf but the shepherd
is looking for the baby Jesus. 
Isn't that a great idea?!

And now that I'm off the subject of Christmas decorating let me tell you what happened to
us the other day.
Someone paid over $4000 in $1.00 gold coins and 50 cent pieces and $2.00 bills!!!
He asked my husband if we would take it and he said sure and then brought it to me and my
co-worker to count. (dagger eyes)

Thank goodness someone brought oreo bites or we wouldn't have made it...:)

Back to Christmas decorating.....oh wait that's a pic of me at work.
Welcome to Tucker ATV....may I help you?
Don't I sound professional.....if they only knew....bahahaha!
I did put this sign up to warn them.
Don't you love my chicken nesting boxes....they hold my tshirts...:)
You knew I was going to put my chicken theme in there somewhere didn't you?

I decorated the a boat!  That's a whole other story on how
I went to a flea market and called Shannon and told him I bought a rotten
boat.  Sheesh...who knew he was having such a hard time seeing my "vision"
of the store......heehee.  And it didn't help that they had to mount it high
up on the people!!  Focus!!

The deer had to have hats and scarves....:)
They are looking at the boat......they don't "get the vision" either....

And then came the 12' tree!
That was an entire day in Hobby Lobby to buy enough ornaments for the tree.
"Yes, dear we HAD to have these ornaments......if you have a 12' tree then you
have to have a ton of ornaments.  How important was it for us to make a profit
this year anyway??????"

I didn't even show y'all the Man Cave area.  Oh this was so much fun!

I need to get better pics.  The Man Cave has a swing in it and a tire wall and a couch etc.
I will get better pics of the entire store and do a post on it later.
So now you know why my house has nothing Christmasy in it at all.
I'm jingled out!
So from all of us at Tucker ATV we wish you a


  1. Great blog.. Do you have any of those coins left? I would love to buy some.....Skipper

  2. I love both porches!! Enjoyed all your pics. I would love to come visit at the store but it would be quite a drive from Texas.

  3. Hi Lisa,

    I've been away from blogland, again ... and stopped in to catch up. As always, I'm leaving with a big smile on my face. Thank you for always bringing cheer to your readers.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. I really enjoyed my visit with you. You DID make me smile!

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  5. Oh, you may have come out way ahead on that transaction. Are those solid gold coins? If so, think long and hard before just counting them as $1.00 each!!

    I love your store decor. Heck, I could care less about ATVs but I'd go in there just to check our the decorations (and to see you, of course)! Merry Christmas.

  6. Oh Lisa...I LOVE this! After doing all of that I wouldn't have had enough energy to do one more thing! You did an amazing job of decorating up your business! I know the customers really appreciated it too! Man, someone must have been saving up for a long time to pay you in all of that odd money....but hey, it ALL spends, right?! Hugs & blessings!

  7. Lisa,
    I love the store!! And I am cracking up that you have gone in there and given your lady's touch to such a man store :) Love it!!

    So glad to read your funny stories again! Keep writing. Shannon will think you're doing work, so you can get away with blogging at the store :)

  8. Oh my gosh, girl, if you haven't gone and done it this time! I love it all! LOL on the big spender and all that money in a box! Did the bank teller roll their eyes at you?
    Let's see...I think the porch is my favorite thing here- so many things you can do with that all year long...then the boat- oh, to see the look on Shannon's face when you brought that in. The deer with the hat and scarves...too cute.
    I have been in here catching up and I swear as God as my witness...I had no clue that Scarlett wore superman boots to save her chickens! I think you might need to find them a little boat...that floats. Or better yet, little life vests- you know...just in case the tide returns.
    Oh, and did you try the white nutty bars in the Little Debbie's? They are to die for!
    Have a swell weekend and I would say stay out of trouble...but that probably won't happen! Love you, girl.

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