Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Once Upon A Time....

there was a magical kingdom with a grumpy
prince and a beautiful, slightly overweight princess.
One day the grumpy Prince declared "there will be no
more chickens in the kingdom!"

The Princess huffed and she puffed and she thought about

lowering her long beautiful hair out the window and leaving but
she forgot that she doesn't look good in long hair and she has short hair now so she just stormed out the front door. 
Then she thought about an evil plan of poisoning apples but she
had already used them all making yummy caramel apples.
She just knew evil stepsisters would know what to do but she doesn't have any so she went to her friends Sleepy, Dopey, and Doc  and got advice.

Sleepy said "push him off a wall and let him have a great fall!"

and Dopey said "I know a beanstalk in the woods and if he climbs it we could cut it down" and Doc said "just move...I know a beautiful house made out of candy."


Well the house made of candy was sorely tempting to the Princess but she loved the grumpy Prince.
So she just fell into a deep deep sleep each night and took the vow of silence during the day until the Prince slayed the dragon of grumpiness, kissed the Princess and granted her all of her wishes.


Many chickens will be added to the kingdom

and they lived happily

ever after.........

The End
sharing with:


  1. LOL - I must have lost you in the blog roll. It was great to laugh with you again.

  2. I miss your posts so much! I want to know how your chickens are, your son, how much you've irritated Shannon lately and all your funny antics!

    Come on....writing is good therapy (and much cheaper)!

    Love and hugs to you!

  3. Hi Lisa,

    As always, you post brought a smile to my face and my heart! Thank you for sharing your wonderfully creative humor with us.


  4. Lisa, I have missed your posts...I do hope your son is doing well...The Prince must love his Princes very much...He must have come to his senses and realized a girl cannot have to many chickens...Happy October...

  5. Sounds like my grumpy prince a time or too! lol.. Sending blessings that things are going well in your world!

  6. LOL... this is too funny! Sounds like Grumpy Prince was on a time out and it worked. :)

  7. Love that story!! And that last picture of the girls????? Just fabulous.

  8. OMG You had me cracking up! Congrats, you are being featured tomorrow on the Simple Saturdays Blog Hop! Thanks so much for linking up with us!

  9. Cutest blog post ever. Congratulations on being the feature link on Simple Saturdays Blog Hop. Hope you will come back this week and link up another post. - Janet from Timber Creek Farm

  10. How did I miss this post? I read something like this on facebook but didn't see this in my feed. I miss your posts, girfriend...hope things are going better. I'm here if you need an ear :) ♥♥♥

  11. Oh, and I agree with Debbie (above) :)

  12. LOL- you are totally insane and I so love it! What did I do without you in my life before???? IF you ever, ever need an evil step sister again, I will be there for you! Promise...those short guys are clueless on revenge! Bwahahaha!
