Wednesday, July 22, 2015



  1. Hey, a Wahoos game!!!! Was it hot? Was there a breeze off the water? Nice park, huh?

  2. I love your "summerrrrrrr" photos and there's nothing like a baseball game to go to in the summertime. Love your sunset too ... so beautiful. Guess we are all busy during these summer days. My life is has been busy too for a change. We have sold our house ... YaY!!!! ... and are moving further south in Maine to a senior housing complex ... you know ... the place where old crotchety people live... full of old geezars. We are getting too old to keep up with all the yard work, snow shoveling etc. so we are moving into a brand new apartment where everything is taken care of for us ... no worries anymore. The only worry we will have is when we wake up in the morning and decide ... "well honey what are we going to do today". Sounds good to me. We are really excited about this last move in our lives and are hoping it makes things better for us. Annnnnnd speaking about baseball games ... we are going to Fenway Park in Boston in a couple of weeks but not to see a game but to see our daughter sing with the Zac Brown Band for 3 nights and then she's headed to New York for her own solo show. We're so happy we will get to see her sing ... it's been a while. So happy summer to you and your family and hope all is well with you. Love and Hugs

  3. Looks so fun! Love the chickens of course, and that shot of the dog in the back of the truck. All these photos just scream summer :)

  4. I love to see what everybody is up to! Looks like your summer has been full of friends and family! Thats what it is all about!

  5. Lovely photos, and your header is beautiful.

  6. You had Dippin Dots. I've always wondered about them and I see one of our gas stations is selling them. Maybe I'll check them out- or maybe not, I might like them.

  7. Yep, that sure is summer! Looks like you and your ladies are doing good in the gardens...that bridge looks too games are the best. How are your bugs down there? We had some nasty ones here, but doing better since it finally dried out a bit. Your photos are wonderful.
