Monday, June 29, 2015

Chicken Thighs

the country life...

It makes some great scenery for my walk today.
Yes, I said my walk today.
I'm starting the healthy lifestyle....................................................................again.
I meal prepped yesterday.
I know....I've heard it all before....yada yada yada.
But I'm no quitter!........................well.....I am...I've quit 5,699 times
but I get back up and try again 5,700 times...:)
Oh my poor husband has heard it all.
The planning, the prepping, the books, the videos, the exercise equipment,
the excuses, the whining, the complaining, the groaning.
This morning I say "I may be a little late for work, I'm going to walk."
He says " know if you would just.."
Me: "grrrrr" (I may have growled a little) and (my evil eye starts twitching)
He tries again " I'm just saying all it takes is...."
Me:  "grrrrrr" (I pick up the knife.......(to cut grapes!)....but he doesn't know that (wink, wink).
He says "okay,  take all the time you need."
So I walked.....two miles...:)

 It was great.....and I feel so much better.
Consistency is my main problem......all you have to do is read a few months back
and you will see I've "started over" many other times.
I went to a wedding this weekend and when I opted for almost  a "muumuu" to wear
after 3 hours of trying on everything in my was a great motivator.
I think the meal prep will really help.
I caught the chickens discussing my latest fitness plan when I got back.
"Here she comes.....can you believe she is trying to lose weight again."
"If only she were a chicken......we look marvelous with fat thighs, and big breasts."
" she comes."
"BokBok ....LOOKING GOOD CHICKEN MAMA....bok....."
Lucy whispers  "Bok.....poor girl.....she looked terrible...bok..."
"tsk, tsk..........if only she were a chicken......


  1. Good luck, Lisa. Hang in there. You will get it done this time. We all have done the 'I will' and then 'I won't' Oh yes, many, many times. Hugs to you...

  2. Yes, too bad the "chicken look" isn't in. Good for you for deciding to get in shape! Walking is a great exercise. As well as burning calories, you'll be amazed how good it will make you feel. Don't worry if you slip a day, just get back on the horse and keep trying. You can do it!

  3. I so need to get moving. Good for you!!!

  4. This is also the story of my life. Good luck, my friend. I will never give up either, just so you know :)

  5. I don't know how old you are....assume you are around my daughter's you have time to save yourself....that is, if you have any diabetes in your family....

    I just found out that I have diabetes...a month ago. Now, I have got to lose weight and not for my self esteem....for my life. I have lost 15 pounds in a month. I am terrified after finding out what all diabetes does to you.

    My dad was diabetic, but he just quit eating AS MUCH sugar...ended up dying from a heart, I find out that a LOT of diabetics end up dying from heart attacks.

    The book I am reading says that if more people were diagnosed earlier, they could stop the complications from, if you have any diabetes in your family, you can change the course of your destiny....I wish I had listened to my mom when I was younger.

    CUT YOUR CARB INTAKE. CARBS are what make your blood glucose rise. Not just sugar. Try to limit your carbs to 30 to 45 grams of carbs per meal. If you snack on carbs, then take that away from your next meal. I'll bet this would help you lose weight.

    Good luck....I don't blog publicly anymore, but I'm still lurking in the shadows and keeping an eye on you girls out there.

  6. Leave it to DAvis....I knew I had been missing you.....thanks for the advice...I will take every bit I can get. And I am 51 soon to be 52..:) Don't care to be skinny or even ready to be healthy! So glad you are still hanging blogging seems to be getting less and less. Hope you have an awesome weekend!!
