Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Famous For Fowl

You could have knocked me over with a feather....
a chicken feather...of course...
when a writer for the Alabama Cooperative Farming News
contacted me and wanted to write a story on me!
It felt weird when the magazine came out and there I was...
my big, giant face looking back at me from shiny page #12.
I was holding Rod Stewart on the very first day I got him. (smile)
Mrs. Carolyn Drinkard did a wonderful job of making me sound ummm...
interesting instead of down right crazy...:)
The funny part was that my friends may or may not have been horrified
that I included their photo in their chicken outfits in the photos that she
requested of me to send to her.
(I made them autograph their photo for me..heehee)
I was equally shocked and amazed that I had a 5 page spread!!!
Mrs. Drinkard said that was a "first" for the magazine to do on anyone!
I credit her amazing writing skills..:)
It was super nice of Mrs. Drinkard to do this for me.
I was very flattered.
But it did feel strange see me and my life "out there".
 I know that by blogging we are already "out there" but it really just seems like it's a
very small, close community...the blogging world.
Or maybe it's because I think I have only 12 friends... which is my usual number of comments..:)
I didn't mention to hardly anyone that I was going to be in this magazine
because I really thought not many people I knew would even get this magazine
but I was wrong!!
My phone started ringing and I had friends and family all asking
"did you know you were in a magazine?"
My face book blew up for a while and it was really fun to hear all the comments.
But it still felt.........weird....exciting....but weird.
I can't imagine how REAL BIG DEAL people in BIG news feel.
So a big thanks to Mrs. Carolyn Drinkard and Alabama Cooperative Farming News
 for making this little chick get to preen and strut for a few days...:)
I was thrilled with the article but I'm not sure my "guys" are real happy that all
of ALABAMA now knows that their mom is the crazy chicken lady..heehee.



  1. Congrats Lisa! You and your chickens are now officially famous. Word did get out about your article. I heard about it from another blogger. We're all talking about you (giggle) in a good way!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  2. Sounds good to me!!! I think it's a grand thing that you were featured. All of us in blogland love you and your humor, so good to share with the rest of the world.

  3. You know, I am not surprised at all. You are really awesome and I love coming here to see what you've gotten yourself into this time. ;)
    You make me smile just thinking about you and I am so glad that you were put in the magazine. 5 pages is amazing and you so deserve it. I hope you are in many more and that you continue to bring us the latest news.

  4. How awesome is that?!!!! Congrats!

  5. This is awesome!! Exciting! Amazing! Congrats!! I knew you when!!

  6. That's so awesome!!! Congrats to you, chicken lady! :)

  7. Congratulations! I am honored to know someone famous.

    Good writing and humorous stories are enjoyed by all of us.

  8. This post sure made me smile all the way through! What a great honor to have a 5 page spread! Now more people can enjoy your wonderfully funny and thoughtful blog! So glad I found it a few years ago! Congrats Lisa!

  9. I was waiting for this post to come out. Wow...was the whole article I read online included on that link? By looking at the photos of the actual magazine, it seems way bigger...maybe not all the pics! I think this is awesome, friend! When you get your own reality show from this, I can say I knew you when...well, kinda knew you :)

  10. OMG Lisa how cool is that? So happy for you and now you'll be putting a lot more smiles on a lot more people's faces. You go girl!!!! I always said you should be a writer ... you have a way with words and your stories are a hoot. Love and Hugs.

  11. Lisa, oh my gosh, how great is this!!!from one chicken lover to another, girlfriend, you did us proud!!!....
