Monday, March 23, 2015

Crooked Blessings?

She walked in the door and closed it a little harder than usual.
It was a tough day.
She grumbled......."look at this mess.
Does anyone else ever clean up around here?!"
She stomped to the kitchen and is thinking
"why do I always have to decide what to cook for supper?"
"I'm tired, we get up when it's dark....
we come home when it's dark...."
She walks into the living room and her eyes squint...
"just look at this.....why can't they fix the sign when they bump
it and make it crooked?"
And she walks toward the sign......
and her steps slow down....
and her eyes fix on the words.....
and as her hand reaches for the sign...
 she is immediately sorry for her attitude...
And she knows.......she knows.......
that her blessings aren't crooked at all.....
the sign may be.....but her blessings aren't.
You just have to "straighten" out your attitude
in order to see them.


  1. Awesome post and a gentle reminder of what we all need to do...thank you.

  2. Very nice reminder of what's important in life.

  3. Oh, yes. Attitude straightening is a daily need. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Thanks for that great lesson! We have all been there!

  5. Oh Lisa...this is so true, isn't it? Thank you for this beautiful post, my friend!

  6. Wonderful post. We all need a reminder sometimes.

  7. Lisa, I think many of us are guilty of this crooked attitude, and every so often, we depend on 'signs' to lead us in the right direction, one towards appreciation and gratitude for all that we have, and all that we are. Thank you for the lovely reminder, today.

    Happy Easter Sunday, my friend!

    BIG hugs,
