Saturday, January 24, 2015

Coopville Diaries! (sometimes you have to lie to chickens)

It's baaaaccck!!'s back.
It's time for................

Well I've put off telling anyone....... but the rooster, Conway Tweety, who was
given to me after I lost Rod Stewart, was killed by something
soon after I got him.

It makes me sad.....I still miss Rod Stewart terribly also...
And now.....I've put it off long enough.... I have to have "the talk" with the girls
about death and changes.
So here is how it went......

 Oh girls!!!!
Could y'all come here please?
I need to talk to you.
"Yes....are you calling us?"
I am....
I...umm......have to tell you something about Rod and Conway.
You know how they haven't been around lately? you know what happened to them?
"Of course we know.....they went to a man cave or a hunting camp for a
little while...right?  That's what men do...right?
And oh it's been so nice....we have had some relaxing days.
You know how irritating those males can be.
You tell her Lucy...I think I may take a nap right now..
sighhhhhh...." know how I always ask y'all to be very watchful
and very careful arou..
"I must bathe..(interrupted Kim) never know when the papparazi may show up.
"Gee whiz are so shallow" Khloe snipped.
"Khloe you are just jealous!"
Wait....girls.....I'm trying to tell you something important!

 I.........I hate to tell y'all this but Rod and Conway are.......
"what you talking about Willis?" Lucy croaked
(it's weird that a chicken would know that show Different Strokes..but she did)
"Are you telling us that we can DIE??????"
(the girls are freaking out)

 This is not going case you were wondering. (Baby Kitty informed me)
Thank you Baby Kitty...I realize that.
Kourtney please quit hiding and come back!!
"I am not hiding...this is not happening....I am meditating...ohmmmm"

"No......really.......where are they?" asked Millie
Sambo said "you are really messing this up."

Haha....girls....did I say dead?
ummm.......Noooo....that's not right!!
I mean they are dead......tired.....and they will be staying
at the hunting camp a while longer.
Y'all need to calm down.
"Not funny" glared Millie
You all can come out of hiding now...
It's all okay!  No one is going to die!
Go back to what you were doing before I brought all of this up.
One last look from Lucy......
and the kingdom is back to normal.....

Sometimes you just have to lie to chickens.......

sharing with:


  1. OH NO...CONWAY IS DEAD TOO??!! I am so sorry! Although this was funny, I really am sorry you lost your other rooster :(

  2. Maybe you need to get mick jagger. It seems he can't die.....all the booze, drugs,and loose morals didn't take him out....he's still maybe you need to pour in an order for a mick. So sorry about Conway. Didn't they call him no show? Maybe he just is tired of being in the spot light. sounds like a good story for the girls....glad the chicks are back!!!

  3. Maybe you need to get mick jagger. It seems he can't die.....all the booze, drugs,and loose morals didn't take him out....he's still maybe you need to pour in an order for a mick. So sorry about Conway. Didn't they call him no show? Maybe he just is tired of being in the spot light. sounds like a good story for the girls....glad the chicks are back!!!

  4. I'm so sorry about your rooster. If you were near me I'd give you one of ours, since we have five. That crow all . . . day . . . long. But they seem to get along. Other than the death part, I loved your story!

  5. I am sorry that you lost another rooster, but I think your girls could really care less...its not like they stop laying or anything. And, frankly, you eat their children, so its not like they really need a male around. LOL
    Perhaps your could find a (Alice) Cooper of Ozzy? They keep going and going and going!

  6. Sorry to hear that you lost another rooster, Lisa.

  7. So sorry for your loss. The girls will be okay, we girls are resiliant.
    What an adorable coop! Thanks for stopping by this week's Maple Hill Hop! See you next week!
