Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How to decorate "simply"

This is how I decorate for Christmas.

  I'm not doing much this year...keeping it simple.

 Well I guess I better at least put up the tree...a few lights...a few ornaments...try to keep a simple theme....maybe just red.

  Up the stairs..go through boxes....down the stairs.....up the stairs

.....can't find my lights....I know they are in one of these boxes.....

why not just take ALL the boxes down the stairs.

  Oh look at this cute Santa....maybe I'll put himmmmmm......................here.

  Okay...the lights....hmmmm........well here's the outside icicle lights

 I'll just throw them on the tree...all the dangly parts will look cute!

....oh and here's some blue lights....I've never put blue lights on the tree.....

throw them on there too!

  Aww...look here's the gigantic Christmas frame with Matt and Tanner's picture

 let's just put ittttttt.....ummmm.......here!...on the end table...

.just skooch the lamp over and move this tray....hmmm..where can I put this tray?....

wait......rumble rumble....here's a bunch of old ornaments......plunk...tumble...tumble....

throw them all on the tray....now hmmm.....where to put the tray......

let's just sit it on the coffee table...not bad......now the tree........
just red ornaments....keeping it simple......oh here's the ornament we bought on our family trip....

but it's green and has ducks on it.....oh well...just put it on......
might as well put all of these different random ornaments on the tree......
what about the mantle....I don't want to move the stuff that's on the mantle....
just too tired for that so let's just go outside and cut some branches and throw some more ornaments
 and hey here's an angel...will......she.....fit........on.....top.......of.....this........candle.......(propped it up).
.(stepped back and looked).....no that looks stupid.......I'll take it down later.
  I like these natural branches from the cedar tree from outside
 let's just stick them behind EVERYTHING on the wall......
YOU get a branch....and YOU get a branch...and You get a branch.....
now what about the tree....hmmmm....maybe I should stick some branches IN the tree!!!
  Stick, stick, stick.........(stand back and look).....hmmm....no that looks dumb.....
start pulling branches out and pull all those dangly lights out and half the ornaments
 and about this time Matt and Tanner and Shannon walk through the door....
and the look of horror on their faces.....one of them said
 "it looks like Christmas threw up in here"..........hmmmpf....
they just don't know what a "simple" Christmas looks like.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Warning!! Hallmark movies are not real!!


why hasn't Shannon taken me on a midnight picnic?

 Why hasn't Shannon hand carved me a special ornament?

  Why hasn't Shannon whisked me off to ice skate?
 Must stop watching Hallmark!
So after much research (more Hallmark movies)

I'm beginning to realize that maybe it's not all Shannon's fault that he is not like the Hallmark movies...

I mean I haven't seen the women in these movies laying on the couch

 in their 2x chicken themed pajama pants with powdered donut dust all over their sweatshirt .

 I really don't qualify as someone who is easily whisked away to ice skate.

 So I guess he is off the hook although I haven't ruled out the midnight picnic.
Television romance is so over rated anyway....just look at our examples....sheesh!!
Like....the Kardashi - hens...
Who needs romance when you have the real deal.....
although a teeny weeny amount of romance would be nice
and if I'm telling the truth I don't need much of that sappy stuff
I know that  the real acts of love are in the little things...
like..building my chicken coop..

or riding through the country in a beat up old truck with dogs on the back..
or not commenting when you cut your own hair and it becomes a mullet...
It's bringing me my favorite snack.....(although I don't need it)

and following him home because the truck has no tail lights..

Letting me be me and loving me anyway...

That's what true love is...

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Well I had on a cute Alabama football jersey and I took it off because I looked like an actual football player....

but.....when I tried on my cute Alabama shirts they were all too small.....
due to my extra curricular activities (eating).....
so.....I will put back on my football jersey but the
first person that walks up behind me and ask "Sir, can you help me?"
I'm going home...:(

Rolling with the Tide today!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hello Darlin'

I would like to introduce you all to....
Mr. Conway Tweety!

The big ole fat bottomed girls aren't giving him the time of day yet...
He's still a little young and small but just you wait girls...
Just you wait until he starts crooning...
All he'll have to do is say....."Hello Darlin"
and he won't be lonely for long...:)
I already know he is going to be a big celebrity so of course I had to have a selfie with him..
It was all fun and games until the Fed Ex lady drove right up to us and caught us.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Rod Stewart Tribute

Well it's not how I wanted to start Thanksgiving.

  I couldn't find Rod Stewart this morning.

  I'm thankful for a husband that would look and look until he found my beloved rooster.

 He was dead under a bush. I'm thankful that an animal didn't kill him.

  We think he just died....he didn't have any punctures or wounds at all.

  I'm thankful that my sweet boys told me they were sorry.
 I'm thankful that Brandi Nicole Cox was sweet enough to give Rod Stewart to me.
  I'm thankful for the time that I did have with him.
  I know that it's just an animal and that so many are truly suffering but I'm thankful for God's
creatures that give us such joy.

The girls are sure going to miss that crazy, beautiful rooster........and so am I.....sniff..

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Struggle

How can I be 50 years old and still struggling with how and what I want my life to be?
How can I be 50 years old?....lol.
But do you struggle with that?
You know.....am I wasting my hours here on earth?
I know we have to work..(most of us)...and sleep...
 but that still leaves 6 to 8 hours more or less a day.

I find myself getting home from work and crashing on the couch

and vegging out in front of the television.

This is unacceptable but the flesh is weak.....and tired....and wants to watch The Voice.

And then I decide that I'm going to list what things need to be accomplished.

Clean house

Do laundry


Bible study


Take care of animals

Spend time with husband


Take a bath

Talk with friends

Visit parents


Write a book

Pay bills

Go to church

Eat healthy

Can this be done????????

I become overwhelmed and flop back on the couch and inhale a pop tart while my eyes glaze over

 during Project Runway.

I am not a Type A personality......I fall waaaaaay down to probably Type Zzzz....(snore)

And what about gardening and canning and putting up for the future?

And all of these things that I have mentioned are all for me.

What about what Jesus really wants us to do?

 Serve others.

How do I fit that in?

I really struggle with the balance of it all!

Do you?

I have decided that I can make some small changes throughout my day.

Some mornings I may not be able to do my Bible study but I can listen to a Christian radio station on my way to work.

I can slow down and enjoy God's wonderful creation around me as I'm traveling to and from work.

I can pray for others during my 30 minute commute.

I can be an ambassador for God at work.

I know God blessed us with this business and I fully intend to honor Him in it!

I am getting better at these things but I still struggle with balance.

I know I'm living a very selfish life but some days I can barely meet my basic needs.

It's the hours at home that is my biggest struggle.

I definitely waste some of that precious time.

I guess I'm just wondering how you all do it?

Is it a struggle?

Do you have suggestions?

I want to make changes and do more but I also know that I am miserable if I go wide open all the time.

I'm just not built that way.

How do you change your life?

Start new habits and make them stick?

I don't want the next 50 years to be wasted....

so the million dollar question is.....

how do you know what you really want and what must be done to accomplish it?


Monday, November 10, 2014

My week...

I'm so sorry guys...I promise to get better at my blogging.
Maybe soon I will get in a good routine with my new job.
Have you ever seen anyone so frazzled because they had to work a "real" job...lol
Anyway...they only way I know to catch y'all up is to post my facebook posts.
I will get better....I hope...soon...at posting a real blog post...:)
Love and miss y'all..:)
Put your knickers on and come on out and see us on this cold Saturday morning. Shannon will be at the shop until 12 and Tanner and I will have a spot set up at the Jackson Fall Festival!!! So come on out and say hello......I will be the big layered up blob holding a funnel cake and some kind of food on a stick... Hope we see you soon!!!

And so it begins! Come out to the Jackson fall festival and you too can hold a gator!!
We have been at the Fall festival since 7 am this morning. My face is so wind chapped that when I finally left in the car I had to turn the air conditioner on full force and aim it right at my face because it was going through withdrawal. ‪#‎redcheeks‬ ‪#‎funnelcakejellybelly‬ ‪#‎agooddaytoauditiontobesanta
3 a.m. conversation: ( Me climbing back into bed)... Shannon: Where have you been? (he asks in a very sleepy voice) Me: Bathroom...my stomach hurts. Shannon: Aww.....you can't eat funnel cakes anymore..... Me: thinking..(did I hear laughter in that comment) ‪#‎thereshouldbeagerestrictionsonfunnelcakes
My stomach went into shock and awe and full on combat mode when a piece of lettuce landed there. I had to eat a snickers to calm it down
Dear Lisa, I would like to move back to my old address, sincerely yours, Bellybutton

Right before the start of the Alabama game I heard a bump so I went to the back door and turned on the light to the deck expecting to see my dog. But she was not there so I turn the light off and turn to walk away and my brain said wait a minute so I turn the light back on and there is a possum sitting up in the dog dish looking at me. I turn the light off run and get my camera, the BB gun and oven mitts? I don't know...what do you use against possums? Turn the light on and h...e's gone! So then I get the dogs, a flashlight, BB gun, and oven mitts and run to the back yard to scare the possum away because he better not hurt my chickens! All of the above were all useless...no possum! I go check on the chickens and sing a lullaby and tuck them in for the night and pray for a safe night for them and wait...where's Lucy?! Where is my red chicken? My heart is beating fast ...if that possum...ohhh im gonna kill me a possum!! I run around to the front of the house and there she is (Lucy) roosting on the front porch so then I had to go get a heat lamp and hook it up to shine on her so she won't get cold tonight. My animals and the Alabama football team are killing me right now

Red rover, red rover send Rolaids right over.. ‪#‎dangchilidogs

I realize that most of you have read this and it is long but I decided I would re-share my testimony once each year. Thank you for allowing me to share...
My Testimony
As I was reading my Bible this morning I read this verse....2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 "The coming of the lawless
one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and
wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused
to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe
the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
I grieved over this. Before I was saved, I thought, at the end times people could clearly see what was happening
and ask for forgiveness and be saved....but according to that verse that is not so. After turning away from God so
many times and refusing to love the truth God himself will send a delusion so that you will never see the truth.
I want everyone to be saved. I prayed and prayed this morning and I just kept getting the urging to give my testimony.
Which I have never done before. So dear God....please give me the words to say......amen.
When I was 13 I was saved at a revival at Springfield Methodist Protestant Church.
And then I went on with my life. I tried very hard to do "right" but failed so many times and even
forgot about any of it for months at a time. And there lies the problem. My salvation was not an "it"....it
was not "doing" the right thing.....it was not showing up at church......it was not giving up all of my
bad habits....but I didn't realize that. You could ask me if I was 100% positive that I was saved
and I would waiver just a little bit.
I would say "I think so but how does anyone know if they are doing everything right enough?" I would have
great time periods of being a good "Christian" or so I thought.
And time marched on...I got married....I had children.....we went to church most of the time....
Fast forward 30 years later.
I'm still up and down. I love the Lord. I think I'm safe.
Then, for some reason, I make a commitment to start reading my Bible more.
Then, I decide to turn my radio in my car to WMBV Christian Radio and listen.
I started my mornings off with a preacher on television.
And these things have dramatically changed my life.
What you surround yourself with is what comes forth in your life.
I am not putting down the Church in any way....because it and the people there are my foundation.
I would not be at this next step without them.
The more I heard and read the more I understood and wanted to know more.
I started a new relationship in my life. My relationship with Christ. Key word - relationship.
I had to put in time in this relationship......not just Sundays.
Would you wake up with your loved one and not say anything.....or even talk to them for days at a time? No!
So our relationship began. Then I started praying for wisdom and knowledge about our relationship and it
was like a light turned on after trying to read in darkness.
I started reading only Christian books to further my education on our relationship.
That was only about 7 years ago that I made this total commitment to Christ......that I said "I Do"...that I will love , honor and cherish you.
I can tell you that I am 100% sure that I am saved!! I will go to heaven and be with my Savior.......praise the Lord!
I can also tell you that I am far from perfect. I mess up.....a lot. I have terrible days but I still have my relationship
with Christ. He will not leave me. If you act ugly or have a bad day with your spouse or loved one does that mean the
relationship is over....NO! You make up.....you do better......you love each other.....you talk to each other....you continue
on with your relationship. That's how Christ is.......he loves you.......talk to him.
We try to make this hard and it's so easy.........and it's the most wonderful thing you can ever do in your life.
It doesn't mean our lives will be perfect or not have sadness and trouble.
But it does mean that we will never have to face anything alone or be unloved.....what else could you want in life?
Please don't wait as long as I did......you may not have that much time.
Please ask Christ to come into your life today if you don't have that relationship.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Lisa Tucker - status - In a relationship


Monday, October 27, 2014

A letter from my future self.......

A letter to my younger & dumber self (as in Saturday)
Dear Lisa,
You thinking that you work too much and need a vacation is really just comical by most people's work schedules but you will be delusional and go on a mini vacation to the beach.
 And don't bother trying on that cute top that you bought online.....it must have been made for  tiny Chinese women. Their XL is more like a size 3...and you won't be able to send it back because it rips as it slides up your Hulk arms.
No more online purchases for you missy...
any way...
 You arrive at your friend's place and the weather is just wonderful!
You lounge and talk and eat and shop and I would tell you not to buy those chocolate chip mini muffins because you will have a hard time in the morning choosing between them or the cinnamon rolls that you and your friend cook and you will foolishly choose to eat both of them.
I would also like to tell you that maybe you should not dump every thought that you have had in your head, since you started working, on your friend and stay up talking until 2 a.m.  She just may think a little longer before she decides to invite you back.
And I would tell you that you are put in the most beautiful green room at your friends beach house because it matches your envy.
And I would say don't be so snarky to your husband when he calls because you don't have a glitter pillow on your bed at home.
But most of all.....I would strongly advise you NOT to leave your friend's beach house while she is still asleep and not tell her that you are walking across the street to the beach because you KNOW that her cell phone is not working.
And I would remind you that you walked out of a gated community and that maybe......just maybe you would have thought about learning the code that gets you back in the gated community.
But most of all..........................for Pete's sake.........I would tell you under NO circumstances as the traffic is whizzing by you on the main strip to NOT get on the ground and try to crawl under the gate because not only would you look extremely foolish but you would have reason 1,899 why being fat is no fun and very unhelpful in situations.
And F.Y.I. taking a selfie of this and putting it on facebook is a sign of true mental illness.
So in conclusion.......
you are a very lucky girl that you have friends that put up with your shenanigans and that you have family that has not had you committed (yet).
and p.s. just because you are headed home that day it is not okay not to take a shower or wash your hair and then post more photos on face book.
You are one.....lucky......stinky.....girl......that you have any friends.
And p.s.s. please start a diet Monday and throw away your Halloween candy because future self that is typing this right now knows that you will eat 3 Reese's, 2 whoppers and a KitKat for breakfast.
(older & wiser) Lisa

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