Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Warning!! Hallmark movies are not real!!


why hasn't Shannon taken me on a midnight picnic?

 Why hasn't Shannon hand carved me a special ornament?

  Why hasn't Shannon whisked me off to ice skate?
 Must stop watching Hallmark!
So after much research (more Hallmark movies)

I'm beginning to realize that maybe it's not all Shannon's fault that he is not like the Hallmark movies...

I mean I haven't seen the women in these movies laying on the couch

 in their 2x chicken themed pajama pants with powdered donut dust all over their sweatshirt .

 I really don't qualify as someone who is easily whisked away to ice skate.

 So I guess he is off the hook although I haven't ruled out the midnight picnic.
Television romance is so over rated anyway....just look at our examples....sheesh!!
Like....the Kardashi - hens...
Who needs romance when you have the real deal.....
although a teeny weeny amount of romance would be nice
and if I'm telling the truth I don't need much of that sappy stuff
I know that  the real acts of love are in the little things...
like..building my chicken coop..

or riding through the country in a beat up old truck with dogs on the back..
or not commenting when you cut your own hair and it becomes a mullet...
It's bringing me my favorite snack.....(although I don't need it)

and following him home because the truck has no tail lights..

Letting me be me and loving me anyway...

That's what true love is...


  1. Aww...you are so right, friend. I love how you turned your funny Hallmark comments into this sweet post I say Shannon is ONE blessed man to have you! :)

  2. This is so funny.... I just love you!!! Thank you for keeping it real!
    3x Kitty Kat P.J.

  3. You just crack me up!! And, then you got all mushy and lovey-dovey when talking about all the times you two love to do together. First I was laughing then I was all mushy myself.

  4. You,dear Lisa, are a very blessed lady! I Love the description of "2x pj's and powdered donut dust all over", oh can I relate! Merry Christmas!

  5. Cute post! Yeah, after nearly 30 years of marriage, my hubby isn't the most romantic (not that he really ever was that much...) But I've been laid up 6 weeks with a bum foot and he's been wonderful - handling all the cooking and cleaning and ferrying me where I need to go, since I can't drive yet. That means more to me than a midnight picnic.

  6. And that's why our guys love us just the way we are REAL !! Cute post and photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  7. I loved this post. So much truth to it!

  8. Real love ain't pretty.
    You said it much better!

  9. That's exactly what real love is...its all that and all those quiet moments. Its also the things they let slide and don't complain about and the fact that they are still hanging around. Even after seeing us naked...maybe love really is blind. Bwahahaha! Love you, girl!

  10. Oh my gosh! Loving this and cracking up!! You mean flowers for no reason, sunsets on the porch swing, fancy dresses at fancy restaurants aren't real?

    At our house, I'm just happy David sets out the tv trays for dinner so I don't have to!! hahahaha

    But, seriously, this is a great reminder that it's the little things.....

  11. LOL, if my husband of 30+ years ever acted like the love interest in my romance books I would probably start crying- because I would be laughing so hard! Your old photo reminded me of our high school dances where the only song we danced to was Color My World (since neither of us could dance and it was a very, slow, song.) LOL Congrats on your years together, you are a great pair!

  12. Yup, that's what it is. And aren't we lucky to have it??

  13. One question: How could ANYONE NOT love you??? I know we all do!
