Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Making the most of every moment......

Someone had to ride home with me from work because it was raining....:(
You can tell which one is my dog....let's get comfortable okay Breesy?..:)
In her defense, she may be pregnant so the male should have to suffer and cater to her whims..:)
To prove that I don't work every....single.....day.....like I make out that I do....here is my Mom and me
getting in some shopping therapy.
Because everyone knows that if you have to work then you get to shop away your paycheck....right?
But let's not tell the hubby....okay?..:)

And last but not least a beautiful photo and I'm not at work again....
but that's not true....this is a field right next door to my office....
I'm trying to make every moment count...:)
Due to very limited time and having to rush to take photos and sneak to type blog content please
excuse blurry photos and short and/or run on sentences. What lacks in quality and quantity I make up
for in my love for all of you....(yes I'm blaming it on you)...some people would not post such ummmm.....amateur posts....but I can't seem to let y'all go so......you get sloppy me or not me at all...
This too shall pass....and I hope to be back to longer, less blurry, ahhh--mazing (ha) posts that you are so accustomed to....bahahahaha....


  1. You are a funny girl, Lisa...love all of your posts...whether your pics are blurry and the sentencesrunintoeachotherand ramble or not!! Love you, friend!

  2. Whether blurry, run-on, or not your posts always make me smile. :)

  3. Good shots- and I love shopping trips with my mom, too!

  4. Geez, you better make the most of every moment, you never know when an angry Spanx will take its revenge! LOL

  5. Love your last photo, is that goldenrod? I love goldenrod!!


  6. So glad you got to play and are not one of those all work type of chicks. There's just too much to get into out there, you just have to put your big girl panties on and start pulling your weight again. LOL
    So, how is lover boy doing while you are this super working woman now??? Like you didn't work before- ha!

  7. You are addicting. I check your blog everyday. Whether blurry or clear, you are a hoot.

  8. Glad to see you peeking in between that busy work schedule girl ~ us followers need our Lisa fix !
    Love run on sentences my fav kind keeps every one jogging right along, but then you know great minds think alike ~ huh !
    Oh and by the way when I write that book you are prompting me into into ~
    in your free autographed copy you will notice in the forward section you'll be mentioned when I say " with sincere gratitude to my fabulous funny friend Lisa who is also a world renowned author of the best selling comedy The Coop Scoop "
    (How's that for a run on sentence) ;)
