Friday, September 19, 2014


Working on my office...
this Bible verse kept us going during the months of not knowing what our future held.
We got our sign the other day...whoop whoop!!
And our business cards...:)
 And yes...I am a genius...
that is an ATV tire on the wall holding a plant...:)
I'm either a genius or just tired....heehee
get it...tired...
That's all I've got right now...I hope to show you more later...
Have a great weekend my friends!


  1. Congrats girl~ you've come a long way baby.
    Now don't get "tired" while your sitting in that chair ~
    , you know like in the cartoon the tire flips right over your head with your arms stuck inside the tire and the phone ringing off the hook. ~ giggle
    Sorry you know how I get carried away with my goofy imagination.
    Congrats !!! Whoop Whoop

  2. Well, I can see I have some catching up to do...Congrats on the new business, how very exciting...I wish you well...Now wouldn't Martha just love the idea of the plant in the tire...I see a trend happening!!!! Have a great weekend...

  3. Congratulations on your new business! And, yeah, if you don't want to get fired (rhymes with "tired"), don't buy that "Your boss is an idiot" book! Or if you do, hide it in the file cabinet with the chocolate :)

    So happy for y'all!!

  4. Very cool! Lots of success to you! The decor couldn't be better. You are a genius.

    How thoughtful of you to visit with Kathleen's address. Yes, I found Kathleen again...had pinned her wonderful photo of The Pumpkin House and wanted to be certain that it went to the proper source. It didn't before, but does now.

  5. Hello Lisa,

    How exciting for you and your family! Although it is a tremendous amount of work, owning your own business is also one of the most rewarding ventures one can undertake.
    I love how you've written God's encouraging word directly on your office wall.
    Congratulations! And we are praying for abundant success.


  6. Hello Lisa,

    How exciting for you and your family! Although it is a tremendous amount of work, owning your own business is also one of the most rewarding ventures one can undertake.
    I love how you've written God's encouraging word directly on your office wall.
    Congratulations! And we are praying for abundant success.


  7. I have some catching up to do too. I am excited for you and will be praying.
    xx oo

  8. Congratulations on your new business! Wishing you and your hubby much success on your venture. Just have to add our phone numbers begin with 246, just a different area code.

  9. I love the tired plant holder! I am so glad you got this going and best wishes to y'all! I hope you do so well, you can take some time off to play with your chickens...who knows what's going on in the soap opera when you are not there.
    Have a fun Sunday!

  10. I know I commented on facebook but I am behind on reading blogs and somehow missed this containing the pic or your beautiful office wall. If this was on facebook, I missed it....AND I LOVE IT! I see you have a lovely new fall-ish banner too. May God bless your new business!

  11. Wow, I wondered what business you were opening, how cool is this??? I love it.
