Saturday, August 9, 2014

Coffee Confrontation

Let me start off by saying I always make the coffee!
  But this morning the animals were all hungry and made me fall behind schedule.
  I walk back into the kitchen and HORROR OF HORRORS Shannon is making the coffee.
  Now this would be fine except I hid the box of Little Debbie chocolate cupcakes right above the
coffee filters.
  I'm watching it all unfold
in slow was too late to stop him......the cabinet opens.....

he reaches up and I see him pause.....

he tilts the open box of cupcakes forward and one....

.the very last one (oh, the shame) slides forward.....
but I wasn't quite shamed enough not to be thinking, oh please don't eat
the last one.

  His skinny self pushes it back into the box and turns to
me and says "I won't eat your last one" with a smirk on his face...

he says "who were you hiding these from?" and he laughed.

my brain is frantically trying to come up with a reason that they are hidden

 and a reason that they are all gone but one.

 Not able to come up with a good reason I decide to just be indignant so all I said was
 "HMMPH!" and turned and stomped off
 and turned right back around and walked past him
and took the last cupcake and stomped back past him.............
and as I
walked away I heard him laughing. The NERVE OF HIM!!


  1. I totally understand! I keep mini snicker bars hidden in my nightstand! When it comes to the LAST one... Let me just say... I don't negotiate! Funny post, I am still laughing! Xx Dazee

  2. Ha, ha! When my kids were still at home, I used to have a stash of good dark chocolate from Trader Joe's hidden in my cupboard. :)

  3. Little Debbie should pay you for a matter of fact, they should use this on TV for an advertisement. Hilarious

  4. Nothin like a Little Debbie. I look forward to clicking onto your blog and reading with a smile. I'm so guilty. Dena from Kansas

  5. I agree with Davis...they need make a commercial of this!!

  6. My daughter, who is 39, told me to tell you she hides her Reeses peanut butter cup eggs from Easter in her pads.....her husband NEVER gets in them. Good idea.

  7. How cute! Hey when you live with men, whether husband or sons, you have to hide your favorites. Around here, it all gets eaten faster than I can get to it. You deserve to hide something here and there if you love it. :)
