Monday, April 28, 2014

Storm Prep

Storm preparation...

I will help others also....

I'm selfless like that...;)

Breesy..(our dog)...maybe you should be a little concerned about the bad weather.


Yaaaawwwnnn.......give me five more minutes...

Maybe she is smarter than the rest of us.....:)

Now let me see........maybe I should use hubby's pajamas again to plug up the holes

in the chicken coop before the storm hits.


Oh......hubby!!  I didn't know you were home......I said.....ummm...

I wonder if there is going to be drama in the chicken coop before the storm.

Do you want some supper?

Hubby:  Nahh.....I'm just going to eat some of that ice cream you just bought.

Me:  ummmm.........

Hubby:  Hey.....where's all the ice cream?!!!

Stay safe my friends...


  1. That's a good idea! I'm very nervous about the next 24 hours. I hope we all get through it okay.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad to see Breesy is on top of the situation.

  4. I just looked on google , wow that storm was no joke , now I am sorry I was goofing around as it looks like it was pretty a devastating storm . Obviously I hadn't seen the news reports. Nothing to joke about there. DO stay safe.

  5. I don't think we'll get the mean part of the storm down here on the coast - just a lot of rain. But oh-my-dang- goodness . . . I have a dog that goes NUTS during a slight storm. He will be meeting his dear friend Benadryl tonight. (Vet approved - don't judge me!!!)

    Hope you and your area are all snug and safe.

  6. Wow - stay safe and hope the storms pass you by.

  7. LOL- love all your posts. I hope you have more ice cream.
    I have a dog like that. Being grateful this morning that he is a small poodle. Where do you sit with a dog that big?

  8. Cute, cute post. I needed that this morning to cheer me up. My son and daughter-in-law were in the path of that tornado in Alabama yesterday. I haven't heard from them but trust they are okay.

  9. Looks like Breesy isn't too concerned. Be safe my friend!

  10. Hope your area stays safe as these terrible storms roll through! I hate this time of the year, so nerve wracking!

  11. Hey Lisa!
    You eat ice cream, I eat buttermilk biscuits! Our storms here weren't too bad, just a lot of rain. I'm worried about this afternoon though. Could get bad. Stay safe!

  12. I can't eat when storms approach. I used to be a pacer, from window to window, but now that so many weather people and storm chasers are online I flip from my tv to the phone to the computer... I hate tornado season.

  13. Okay hopefully the storm has now passed and you are okay in there * peeking in ( see my big nose) ~ every thing good in there ~ got your Ruby slipper on ?
    Restock the the ice cream in the freezer ... how's that tree ????
    You do always make me smile too my friend ~ never fails :)))

  14. OOOOHHHHH! How I MISS Blue Bell Ice Cream !!!

