Friday, March 28, 2014

Truck Driving Mama

My husband has been home all week.

College kid has been home all week.

Older son has been home all week.

I love my family
(rips... face.... off)

I really do but this has been the longest week!

It might would be different if we had money to go on vacation

or money to do home projects

or money to do our hobbies.

But we are trying not to spend any money while we figure out our next business step.

So they are all underfoot.....


(why do they have to eat

and messing things up....

and piling up the laundry...

and asking questions......

"Hey do you log out of your email so I can log in to mine?"

Gasp.....log out of MY email...

"Hey Mom...what's for lunch?"

Didn't we JUST eat?

"I'm going to leave this huge pile of jackets and crap on your chair
while I take Dad and some other people somewhere in my truck.  There isn't
room in my truck for them with all this junk in there."

(rips... face.... off)
Okay....sorry....just had to get that off my chest...

This is not even what the post was suppose to be about...

I needed some girlfriend time...:)

It was suppose to be about helping hubby move the tractor to a different field.

But could it be easy?....


He pulls the two ton tractor on a one ton trailer with a one ton truck..
(don't really know the weights...I'm just throwing figures out there)

up a hill.....

at night......

and gets stuck in a rut....

I'm following in his regular truck and he wants me to turn the truck around

and back up the hill

over ruts and bumps and mud so he can hook the truck/tractor/trailer combo up

to his 4 wheel drive truck and me pull him out.

First of all it's dusk/dark...I can barely see....

and what's with the hand gestures....

it would take a MALE sign language expert to understand what he is trying

to get me to do.

And I'm backing over ruts and mud uphill and he is standing between me and the back

of the tractor......

I just pictured me revving it to get over a rut and smashing him between the

truck and the tractor (accidentally of course).

I was playing the 911 call in my head....

yes 911....I have my husband pinned between the truck and the tractor...

where are we?  I really don't know.

What are we driving?  I'm really not sure.

Who was driving?  Well I was...but it really was an accident.

But thank goodness it didn't happen.....and me pulling him out didn't work either..

so he had to unload the heavy tractor and drive the truck up the hill first

then come back and drive the tractor up the hill.

Then he loaded the tractor back on the trailer and we tried this again.

While I was waiting I decided I better get some photos of all of this

so I started taking pics.

I thought it would be cool to get one of me in the rear view mirror.

But when I finished I looked up and hubby was gone.

Don't let this pic fool was really getting dark by now.

This is not just one dirt road.....this road V's and Y's and has other dirt roads

that come off of it.

I took off trying to follow dust.... know hubby doesn't have tail lights on that trailer rig....

I'm jumping ruts, leaning over the steering wheel trying to find hubby...

his phone!...yes....his phone!.....

The dogs were hanging on for dear life in the back....

911?'s me again.....

I seem to have lost my husband.....

yes...that's right...the one I almost killed...

Oh wait...

I see him!!!!

Thank you Jesus!

You always know what to do....:)

Can we just go home now?

No.....I didn't have anything to do with your truck running hot....

(she looks up and slowly smiles....:)
Thank you Jesus.


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  1. Looks like you had quite an adventure! Glad it turned out ok.

  2. What an adventure , All though I would of slapped Papa for taking off on me not really but I would feel like doing it lol ! Glad all went well loved your post and photos . Thanks for sharing now tell every one to go away lol ! Have a good weekend !

  3. Oh you should write comedy for sitcoms my friend ... I was laughing out load all the way through the post !
    I hope you have a great weekend ~ by the way what's for dinner ;)

  4. If he is anything like my husband, he would have been swearing like a trucker. I have learned words I didn't know existed while "helping" my husband over the years :)

  5. Great post! I always get into odd situations where I imagine what the newspaper headline will be the next day.

  6. You need to write a book...and I would buy it :)

  7. LMHO - well that sounds like a completely normal day in my world !!!
    Too funny !

  8. and I'm following you now - I love to laugh !

  9. LOL. Yep, sounds like the counrty life. Funny story! Reminds me of… never mind, I am not as funny as you are! I just bet most every wife has some story of our husbnds doing something that is just not what we would have thought was including in the job of "Wife" !

  10. That is exactly how things always go! You nailed it on the head! LOL- sorry you had to be the one to capture it all for the rest of the world to see, but it made for a darn good post.
    I know the feeling with them all under foot. Glad your week is over.

  11. What an ordeal! Thanks for sharing your outdoor post on The Maple Hill Hop!

  12. I had to laugh out loud at the man hand signal comment. Been there. How are WE supposed to know what those gestures mean?

  13. Excellent Blog! Fun Blog, definitely a blog worth revisiting!!

  14. This was so fun to read. Thank you for sharing. I know where you are coming from and so does my mother. She grew up on a farm and then she married a farmer and they raised me on a farm and then I married a farmer. We will see what my daughter does. She is off at school now.

    Kourtney Heard @ Hansen & Adkins Auto Transport
