Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring's To Do List

It's here!!!

It's here!!!

Spring is happening around here!

All those days I sat on the couch with a blanket on me saying

"It's just too cold to do anything.....I'll do that later."

Well "later" is here and now I am overwhelmed at the jobs to be done around here.

And in the South Spring may come early but we all know Summer is just around the

corner and it will be toooooo hot to do anything.

So we have this small window of time to get everything in shape.

I start off good but I never get it all done.

And this year I want to garden more than I did last year.

Just add a little more to that "to do" list.

I did clean off the porch yesterday and started restaining it.

The hubby kept saying "it looks so much's clean."

Okay.....point taken not so subtle hubby....I won't add back so much stuff.

But I have to put my red chair back and the side table and the flower pots and......

oh dear....

I found a cute metal flower to put on my red gate....

So that's wait....I've got to find a finial....

dang it.....

I think I want to find two cute ceramic birds or something like that to put as the finials.

Hubby will be so proud.....:) (not)

The pear trees are blooming and a squirrel is digging in the yard.

Rod Stewart is looking over his kingdom.

Note to self.....paint tree bench....

or should I call it

Rod's throne.

So I'm ready....I know you are ready....

don't give up....

Spring is coming....

the only really scary part...

the part that is not ready at all....

is me...

in shorts...

(shreek shreek shreek)
Bates Motel music.

At least a shadow shot doesn't show cellulite...:)

but look at my pea head compared to my body...:(

Oh well....

we'll add that to the list.


  1. Ha ha ~ yup you weren't fibbing you have Spring *sigh* Hey did you feel that snow ball I just threw from down here in the East hit you in your pea head LOL
    You strut those shorts girl because all kidding aside you are beautiful !!

  2. Wouldn't you just know that I this would be the first post I read after getting back from a weekend at our cabin where we had 6 inches of snow. That part was the fun home in NC, ever since Thursday when we left, we had a major ice storm named Ulysses and lost power...still don't have it back...4 days and counting! Been home since last night and entered a 30+ degree home...lovely. It is like spring here today and I could enjoy it even more if I knew I didn't have to leave work and go back and throw out spoiled food in my fridge. Can I come live with you? I'll help you with your garden!

  3. Nice weather has arrived...but I hear that we have a couple of more nights in the twenties this week, so I'm not getting excited about it yet. I love your gate- that is so cute!

  4. Hooray for spring! Here in the PNW, this weekend I noticed daffodils blooming in our yard and saw a roadside cherry tree blooming. But, of course, I went up to the mountains where it's still winter, and went skiing. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love your house , porch and property very lovely ! Nice photos to ! It isn't quite as warm here but warmer the snow is melting and puddling every where and the sun has been shining every day so far . I did some spring cleaning indoors to get that on the go so when the warmer weather comes and snow is gone I can get going on the yard and garden clean up and preparations ! On please Bates motel music Geesh , eyes roll back !! you look marvelous ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  7. Your porch looks lovely! And, I really like Rod :)

  8. Yeah, you wait and wait for spring to arrive and then, on day, you wake up and its in fully swing without you!! I've got a list like that, too.

  9. So glad that spring has found you. We have been really busy in the yard. All the sprinkler heads needed to be replaced. Including the drip system to the plants, it came to a total of 58 heads to replace. Pulled out old yucky ferns and replaced them with flowering bushes. Lots of trimming and pruning. And there's always that dog poop that needs to be cleaned up.

  10. Also, love that yellow flower on the gate!

  11. I love Rod's throne. You definitely know who rules the roost! Haha. Your porch looks really great! Your home and garden area are so charming :)

  12. It is so nice to see some spring somewhere! I just love your red garden gate! Where did you find the flower that is hanging on it? Your house is just so darn cute! Would love to have a porch spring! Happy spring garden cleaning!

  13. Hi Lisa,

    I thought spring was coming the snow was starting to melt...but it's no where like yours. We are back to frozen again.

    There seemed to have been a problem with the feed for some Bloggers a while ago....and of course I had to be one of them, lol.


  14. We always have to re stain the deck each season, it's old school wood but we love it. doesn't it always seem like there is so much to do, but it always seems so worth it when you can enjoy the yard all spring and summer long. I always do the big projects first before planting spring flowers.

    Kristina Cobb @ Dennys Lawn
