Sunday, March 23, 2014

HE gives you rest....

What do you do when you've worked your entire life toward a goal and it doesn't work out?

How do you start over at 50 or 52?

How do you navigate through feelings of  disappointment, anger, confusion and worry?

How do you stop the rapid beat of your heart or the sleepless nights?

You open a book.

HIS book.

You pick up your slightly bruised hopes and dust off your dreams

and tuck them in the worn pages of your Bible.

You pray....

a lot.

You pray for knowledge and wisdom.

You pray for peace.

You pour out thanksgiving for friends and family and 

 for HIS forgiveness when you 

step into the darkness.

HE didn't promise easy.

HE did promise never to leave you or forsake you.

Hold on...


grip it....squeeze your eyes shut...

Now open your eyes....

Do you see the new dreams?

Do you see part of the plan that God had mapped out for you all along?

Do you feel that twinge of excitement

about a new hope for your future.

HE has a plan.

Your burden is light.

Your heartbeat slows.

Peace spreads through your marrow.

HE gives you rest.


  1. Bless you sweet girl , all things are possible.

  2. Take a deep breath, dear.....keep reading and praying.


  3. Maybe sometime I will share why this post was right on time for me ;) thank you! And prayers for you!

  4. Sweet blessings to you. Great post from a great woman. So wise are you. Come check out my blog. I posted the thing better than little debbie's need to know this.

  5. My prayers for you. I appreciate this post. Thank you for sharing and reminding us we are not alone.

  6. What would we do without our Jesus? Such a sweet post....I loved reading this....God has our plan~~~Blessings, Roxie

  7. Oh, I'm sorry there are trials and tribulations around your house right now. Let's hope something works out really soon.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
