Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Don't Hate My Exciting Life!

The Polar Vortex is at it again.

Cold yesterday and cold today.

Everyone is a little stir crazy around here.

So when I bought a toy mouse for my cat and with the mouse came

this vial of catnip I couldn't help but trick my guys a little bit.

College boy:  Hey Mom!!!!  What's this?!!

Me:  I don't know....somebody gave it to me.

College boy:  ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!!!

Oh if only I could keep a straight face...heeheeeee....

Oh hold up......hubby just found it on the coffeetable...



Okay...I'm back.

Boy that was fun.

Okay..now what else has been happening.

Oh......we found out that I'm not the only one that needs to start dieting around here.

He's mad!

I know how he feels....it makes me that mad too.

Why can't we have our cake and eat it too?!

Because we get fat and get stuck in a gate that's why.

Can chickens eat burned things?

I blame you......and facebook.

Cooking and the computer don't mix well.

The one sunny day we had I decided to paint the fence.

Of course I didn't get to finish and now it's freezing.

These are some of my thoughts as I'm painting.

Wow...this is taking longer than I thought.

Why did I decide on green?

I'm not sure I even like this.

I need to get a new finial for the post.

The house is brown with green trim what other color could I have painted it?

The monkey grass has got to be trimmed back...it looks so ugly.

Look at my neighbors house.....everything is so neat and perfect....grrrrrrr....

You don't see her standing outside painting a fence ugly green.

Didn't I see a Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll in the snack drawer?


So what have you been up to?


  1. You have made me smile on this cold gray day!!

  2. Hey there Little Miss Lovely as Lillies ~ you are a breath of fresh air with your humor. You never fail to make my day !!! lol
    Now don't you dare go comparing your self to the neighbors ~ perfect is so boring and over rated !

  3. I'm thinking cats might know more than we think?
    And I'm also thinking you make God laugh out loud, Lisa.

  4. I am with Willow on this . Perfect is boring . Happy is in ! After this winter of comfort foods my hips need a work out lol of course Papa here is one of those ones that can eat anything and everything and never gain an ounce or really gets much exercise GRR !!! mean while I take Miggs for walks every day up and down the hills of our valley village for 35 to 40 minuets a day in the freezing cold to BLAH ! Oh well we are who we are as long as we are happy and healthy who cares ! science says ya don't have to be skinny to be happy and healthy so there NANA !! lol ! Loved your post and photos. Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  5. lol.....and YOU are one of the biggest reasons that I CANNOT delete my blog. You make me laugh.

  6. The first thing I thought of when I read your title was "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful..." Remember that commercial?...lol! I'm also with Willow...perfection is highly overrated! I love the catnip trick!

  7. Hi, I had to laugh especially about the neighbors. I have one neighbor across the street and one on the same side of me. Any way the both of them have been working on their houses this last month, hired men and all, and its in the winter no less. Every spring they have their lawn cut at least twice before we even get out lawn mower out of the shed. Any way they are nice neighbors and I guess that is the main thing. Love your blog and enjoy it so much! Karen

  8. Your posts always make me smile! I had to laugh at the poor doggie in the fence. Sorry, buddy, but it's just too funny!

  9. Ah, that poor little guy in the fence...he's not fat! I need to spruce things up around here too- right now I am overwhelmed with which to do first!

  10. LOL- ticking people with catnip, a green fence and little debbies all in one hilarious post and to top it off, a burnt pot. Love the dog stuck in the gate. I feel like like getting my jeans on. You have the most interesting days. Keep blogging, you make my life complete.

  11. That is too funny with the catnip!! At least you got started on a spring project, mine are still all in my head. Stay warm, spring is around the corner! ( I hope!)

  12. Your dog being stuck made me laugh...couldn't help myself. You have such a wonderful sense of humor!

  13. Did the chickens eat those burned things?! lol

  14. I wish it were warm enough up here on the northern prairie to paint my fence an ugly green.
    I've also discovered that I'm the only one around here who needs to diet ... your doggie and I are wearing the same expression.

  15. I knew I had a boring life but you didn't have to rub my nose in it :)

  16. Willow...I'm so glad perfect is boring....I am not boring...lol. And you don't have to call me Lovely as Lillies...my good friends just call me Lovely.....:))))) and you are my good friend!!

  17. Kathe....what a sweet comment....it made my day!! Thanks!

  18. Leave It To Davis....you better not go anywhere!! You always make me feel so appreciated. And I love your blog also...:)

  19. Karen....yessss!!! You feel my pain! My neighbors are both very neat and don't let a stick hit the ground. All the things I dream of doing....they do...lol. So glad you stopped in and commented...:)

  20. Terri...I'm in panic mode because I know that as soon as Spring hits there will be hundreds of things to do before it gets too hot. Good luck with yours!

  21. Thanks Liz!! I hope you warm up soon!!

  22. Michelle....they gobbled up the burned pasta like it was wonderful. Thanks for stopping in...:)))

  23. Haha...Mrs. B....I need to diet also and I want to growl about it...lol. Hope you warm up soon and maybe then you can paint something ugly green...:))))

  24. Oh Crochet Hooks.....I do believe your life could hang with mine. Doesn't everyone have fat dogs, ugly painting and burned pasta? Thanks for stopping by!!

  25. Wishing you warmer weather! Or....you can just come out here and visit and be toasty warm.

  26. This is my first visit to your blog but already I am jealous of your exciting life. Your pup certainly looks upset about the weight gain.

  27. Cute post! Sounds very exciting ;)

  28. That picture of your dog is hilarious!!!!! I love it. The snarl is so funny.
