Sunday, February 23, 2014

When Storms Come.....

 I've had some clouds in my life here lately......

I know....

everyone does....

Two weeks ago was a doozie....

My dog has cancer and I had to take him to the vet in Birmingham....

my son was caught in the first ice storm in Birmingham and stranded for hours

and here we were going again......

with a forecast for snow and ice.

But my dog has cancer and has to have his leg amputated...

so we go....

God makes our path clear.....

and we make it with no problems.

That was on a Tuesday....

On Wednesday my Mom and Dad both had Dr. appointments in the opposite

direction 2 hours away and I went with them.

My Mom had a prior appointment and her test results were not good

and they told her she might have cancer.

This appointment was to do further biopsies and find out what was going on.

My Dad has thyroid and sugar problems.

Sever thunderstorms were predicted for this day and it did

rain all day on us...


God made our path clear

so we made it there and home just fine.

My husband is under some major job related stress right now

we have some life changing decisions to make

and he is not sleeping and has lost weight.


God is making our path clear..

and I am not worried about our future.

I am finding my answers, my hope and my strength right here...

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight."

I can't imagine not having Jesus in my life.

No matter the trials that come my way....

He is always there....

I feel the blessed assurance that everything is going to be okay.

I know that we may lose a limb, lose a job or possibly lose our life


HE is there for us and therefore

I am not afraid.


  1. Amen and amen. God knows all the chapters of our lives. We all have clouds and storms..I love your attitude. Today, mine seems to be wanting to escape to peaceful places...but without my God, I would be drifting in a sea of stress. Prayers for your family. Blessings

  2. My heart goes out to you .
    I am glad you have faith to keep you focused in the right direction in times of trouble.
    "He heal the brokenhearted and binds up there wounds" comes to mind.
    Hugs to you my friend,

  3. Hey Lisa.
    Love your blog and am now following . Found your blog from FB ! Have a good day !

  4. Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry! Your faith will pull you through these storms along with your family and friends. Email me if you need to talk. Hugs to you and your family.

  5. You are right in step with God's love for you. Keep your faith strong, and rest in His strength. This is what we as Christians "practice" for - the tough times. All those years of Bible study, prayer and obedience result in knowing what to do, and how to behave when it's time to be tested. You sound prepared and ready to weather the storm.
    God bless, and . . . poor pup! Give him an extra treat from me!

  6. Dear Sweet Lisa...I've been weak and lost for weeks on end but now I am through my own personal storm and I am strong now, I have prayed and cried and wrenched my heart over some of the same things. I know how you feel, I know it must seem that there are too many struggles ahead and I know that I can help you if you need someone to talk to. You can call me anytime...I am a very good listener and have a very strong shoulder. I will send you my phone number(s) in a private message and I will pray for you and your family, your mom, your dad, your hubby, your doggie, and especially...for you. Sending you all my love and hugs and blessings. I love you...Kathy

  7. Hello,
    We had an awful January. One thing after the next seem to happen. My grandma passed away, we got into an accident and a stray dog came into our yard and killed our son's pet rabbit, that was locked in his pen.
    It was a hard cold month too, -25 degrees day after day.

    We continued to pray and asked for help from our other Christian friends. The love and prayers kept us strong in Him when we continued to ask why?

    Praying for you.


  8. Lisa, you are so do people make it through life without the Lord? I am so sorry for all of the uncertainty that is going on right now. Bless that sweet pup of yours...out doggies are our babies too! Our God has ALL of the answers....not always what we want to hear...but always the right ones because they are His. Keep resting in Him, sweet Lisa and I will be praying for you! Love you, sweet friend!

  9. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am soo sorry you are going through all this . Life does throw us some curve balls doesn't it ? My heart and prayers are with you and that all gets through this

  12. Oh, sweetie, this is so sad....every bit of it. My heart breaks for you.

    My own father died after having cancer treatment almost 6 years ago. But, he had a weak heart already. He actually died of a heart attack...but the cancer was all but gone.

    My aunt has been going through cancer treatment this past year. She just had a colonoscopy Friday and NO CANCER remains. The mothers of two of the women I work with had cancer treatment this past year....breast cancer and tongue cancer....and both are cancer free today.

    I do know what you are going through. It's so hard when your pet is ill, too. And then your hubby to be worried about his job....such stress. Just know that these hard times make the good times that much better....and the good times WILL return. Your puppy will learn to run on three legs. And God will take care of you are His child, you know. :) Many, many tight squeeze hugs....a Kleenex to dry your tears....and a shoulder to cry on anytime you need one!

  13. Couldn't comment on Monday's couldn't find the came back here to say, "No, Lisa, He sent us here....YOU are OUR blessing!"

  14. That really is a lot to deal with. I am so sorry about all of this happening, especially it all happening at the same time. So much to deal with. I'm happy that you are leaning on Jesus and finding strength to prevail! It's comforting to know He is always there no matter what we are going through!

  15. Hi Lisa, I just read your blog this morning and I felt so bad about your dog. That must of really hurt you to see him with out his leg. After I read it this morning I went to work and I think the whole 10 miles I thought about him. So sorry for the other things going on, but just wanted to let you know I felt for you. A friend of mine, her dog had his leg taken off because of getting hit by a car and he did good for years, he could really get around. Take care Karen from Pa

  16. First of all, your photos are absolutely stunning. Secondly, I've been in a bit of a storm over the last six months. And at times it felt like it was not going to end, but lately, I've been seeing the clouds part and bits of sunshine and blue sky. And I completely agree. I don't know how people go through life without a relationship with God.

  17. Terri @ Backward B Ranch...thank you so much for this sweet comment. I feel blessed by my blogging friends. I hope you have a peaceful day. Hugs!

  18. Willow....what a perfect verse. You always make me smile and I am blessed by our friendship. Thank you my friend. Hugs to you!

  19. My Sweet Maine....what would I do without you? You are always so sweet and I am so thankful for you. Love and hugs.

  20. Thank you Michelle...that means so much. Hugs!

  21. Leave It To are always so sweet and I am truly blessed to count you as a friend. Thanks for all the encouraging words. Hugs to you!!!

  22. Karen from PA...thank you so much for that sweet comment. Bucky (the dog) is already walking so good and he even ran after a squirrel so we are so happy that he is doing so well. We are praying that the cancer won't take him soon but the vet said it was a slim chance but we have faith and hope. Thank you so much for your means so much. Hugs to you!

  23. Big hugs o you! It is at times like these we need to lean on our Lord and let him guide us through these dark days. So happy that you have faith to get you over these troubled times!
