Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The "Orange" Story...

My husband and I have been together for a very long time...

in fact..

he is the only guy I have ever dated....

my one and only true love...

I fell in love when I was in the sixth grade...

he noticed me when I was in the eighth grade...

so needless to say we have many great memories....

this is one of them...

 (maybe not so great for him)


The "Orange" story.....

don't tell Shannon I told y'all...

He was playing baseball in the State Tournament his senior year.....

I can't remember where we were.....

I think it was the State tournament.....

he remembers this story way better.....

.in fact he won't let it drop......

.but anyway.....

he had played the best game of his life.....

I think he batted 1000 or close to it and he said he was so happy and people were congratulating

him after the game and shaking his hand and don't ask me why I did this....

but I was standing up on a hill and I guess I was trying to get his attention

 and for some crazy reason I had an orange in my hand and well......

I threw it......

surely I wouldn't actually hit him.....

but no.......

I hit him right upside his head.......

he said it almost knocked him out.....

you want to talk about one mad baseball player.....

well he was.....

I heard about it all the way home.....

it probably didn't help that I told him that if he didn't have the "big" head then I would have never been able to hit him......

and still.....

32 years later........

I can't have an orange in the house or I will have to hear him fuss all over again.....


  1. LOL- oh that is so funny! Poor guy should have seen what being with you was going to be like. Kuddos to him for not running as fast as he could in the other direction!
    I did the same thing once with my brother, but with half a brick...yeah, ER and stitches. Tell him to be thankful you used an orange.
    Who would have thought throwing it under handed would have ever gotten to him? Didn't know my own strength. And no, I wasn't trying to hit him...if I had been really trying, I would have missed.

  2. Funny! I threw a hairbrush at my hubby when we were dating and I couldn't get his attention. Been married 37 years now. :)

  3. I am still laughing - so glad to hear this story. I will laugh every time I eat an orange.

  4. Remind me never to eat while I am reading your posts, I had just taken a bite when I read about your hitting him in the head. I almost choked I was laughing so hard! Too funny.

  5. What a funny story! I just love how you have been together for so long and how he's the only guy you've ever dated. That's how it is for David and me. Although I met him when I was 16, not in sixth grade! But he's the only guy I've ever dated or kissed :)

  6. Great story! Love your photos too.

  7. Im such a sucker for a great love story! You guys have an awesome one!
