Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Poundage

Six down and six to go.................just today.................

I may or may not be kidding.............

I'm not.....:(

And Baby Kitty has a great idea for what I do next....

Ho Ho Ho!

Like a bowl full of jelly belly..


  1. Oh honey, you are on sugar overload!!!I dare admit you are not alone...I just sampled a bag of gingerbread M&M's...the verdict is still out if I enjoyed them or not!!!You see we here in Maine do not have the pleasure of Krispy Kream donuts and the one and only time I had them (Alabama) I devoured three....Pure heaven...

  2. I'm not a big donut fan (working at a donut shop in my teens pretty much soured me for life) But give me a cookie, any cookie and I'm a happy camper. Cookies are not safe in my house!

  3. Oh YUMMMM Krispy Kreme ...we don't have one for 100 miles . That box would be GONE , all 12 by me alone within the hour , ~ I may be kidding ( but I'm not). lol

  4. Oh my gosh, that kitty photo is priceless! Now that looks like a good way to spend an afternoon. And I can't have Krispy Kremes around my house or I'd be eating them all in one sitting!

  5. Hello Mrs. Lisa,

    I stumbles upon your blog through Farming on Faith. I LOVE your blog and I am now your newest stalker ... I mean follower.
    I'll be back soon ... very soon ;)

  6. I'm so glad Mrs. B! Blessings to you!

  7. Love the kitty photo. Mine are tearing the house apart. Yippee. I think its time to chase them down and put them in the kennel. I want chips without being climbed.

  8. Well, now I don't feel so bad about those sugar cookies, that DQ Blizzard, or that Starbucks Double Chocolate Chip Frapp.

    Gee, I need help!

  9. Hi Lisa! So nice to meet a fellow Alabama blogger! Love your blog! You have such a pretty home! It looks so cozy and warm! The kitty is too cute! And the chicken coop, wow! I'm glad you have them! My 'girls' are waiting for me now to give them their 'scratch'. Hope to hear from you again soon! Blessings from Bama!

  10. Hi I love your blog and you are one of my favorites. I always like to see what you are up too. I had to laugh out loud(first time today) when I saw your kitty. I have a cat the same color and he sleeps the same way. That was so cute in front of the fireplace. Have a good day--
    Karen--from Pa

  11. Hi Anonymous!!! So glad that you are here and that you left a comment...:) You totally made my day! I love to watch the cats sleep....they are so peaceful..:) I hope you come back and make sure and comment! Have a great week!

  12. Sorry Karen from PA...I meant to call you by your name instead of Anonymous....oops...:)
