Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Gathering - Take One happened....

I finally got full....

don't want to see anymore food...

miracles can happen...:)

We partied hard...

we opened a lot of presents....

We played dirty Santa....

we put bags over our heads....

just to make little girls laugh....

We ALL held the baby.....

we took family photos.....

and everyone hated me because I was the one saying

"let's take another photo"

because you see what happens when I'm not in control

and not taking the picture myself.

My brother thought this was soooooo funny....

I'm telling them to kneel at my feet...hahaha....

well not at my feet....but beside me and for some reason

this was met with resistance.....

I managed to get this group together but I'm having trouble with my three.....

But after Mama says

"because I said so!"

We finally got it!

(even though my brother could have said...."wait...there are stocking coming out of your heads)

but this will just have to do.

Merry Christmas everyone!!


  1. AW ... it looked like a whole lot of fun and love.
    I get such joy from seeing your smile, and you always make me smile when I visit here !
    Merry Christmas my friend.
    Peace and Joy to you and yours !
    Huge Hug,

  2. Great photos! What a beautiful family and a lovely home. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh what fun! I miss getting together with all my kinfolk in OH for sure. I bet we would be competing for who's family is the CRAZIEST! It looks like you had a blast and LOTS of good food! Merry Christmas...again.

  4. Nice family photos - espcially the one of your family! And, yes my kids put up the same amount of resistance when I get out my camera and want some shots of them. Have a great Christmas holiday!

  5. Looks like loads of fun! Great pictures!! Merry Christmas!
