Wednesday, November 13, 2013

So....This Happened....

So..............I did this.......................

Which made these do this....

Which made my dogs do this....

Which made hubby do this ....

Then, because of stress,  I had to do this.....

and for the smell I had to do this....

and this....

is it too early for this....


  1. Oh NO! Your poor dogs must have been so scared of the noise to do that to your door. Poor things.

    I do love the chicken figurine by your candy!

  2. I bet you won't do that again..... Set Vinegar out and it will take away the odor to....Lisa

  3. Oh no. I bet is smells like the burned popcorn at my house sometimes lol.

    Your poor dogs.


    Cottage Making Mommy

    p.s. you deserve a nap

  4. too funny :) loved the story! Share the chocolate!

  5. I giggled for sure ~ sorry lol
    But those poor puppies ..
    .our dogs hate that sound too ...and I have to admit our poor pups know I burn my share so alarms blare ...EEk ... I even even the toast !!!

  6. Way to make a fun of a bad situation! Loved this! (Don't worry, tomorrow will be better)

  7. As a cook who gets distracted by allsorts , I can so empathise with this

  8. What a domino effect that burnt skillet had... poor you, poor dogs, and poor hubby (he must have hated to preach to you all)

  9. Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry it got weird at your house for a while. Have the dogs settled back down yet?

  10. Oh no, so sorry but it made a wonderful post!

  11. Oh, it looks like you had one of those days. Looking back it will cause you to snicker I'm sure. It's easy to tell that the dogs didn't think it was too dog gone fun! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  12. Oh no! Only you can turn an experience like this into a laughing matter...even if it really isn't one. By the way, what were cooking? Sorry....(teehee)...really, I am...very sorry :)

  13. OMGosh! The door! Oh, mine just runs under the bed. I hope you are having a better week...I run for peanut butter cups, too.

  14. Oh my gosh, the dogs went crazy trying to get out. I hope you didn't throw that wonderful pot away. My husband taught me this great trick for removing burnt stuff from. Just fill it up with water and boil it, repeat until it comes off. Thanks for sharing on Tuesdays With a Twist.

  15. Bummer on your end, but bursting out laughing on my end! You have the best posts!

  16. Sorry, but all I can do is laugh :) :)
    Not because I don't care about your pan or your dogs or the smell or the preaching you got....but because you just crack me up :)

    Love coming here!

    Hope your cold is getting better too.
