Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friends, Fire and Facebook Fun

Well it's cold tonight and I'm loving it!

There's just something about being warm and cozy inside when it's cold outside.

(a sneak peak at my remodeled living room....more to come later...almost finished)

The fire is flickering and the lamps are on...

the cat is curled at my side...

Did you watch the CMT awards last night?

They were great.

Do you get on facebook and discuss every little thing with all of your friends as it is happening?

I did....and it was so much fun!

I mostly hated on Carrie Underwood because she is so ding dang perfect!

I mean I can't find anything wrong with her.....she probably even owns cute chickens!


I said things like...

If she would gain a little weight she wouldn't get blown away....ha!

and I posted this

Hey Carrie!! I bet you're not eating one of these right now.....score!!!!

And then I got started on the oatmeal cake puns....(still on facebook)

You got to know when to hold em....know when to fold em......know when to walk away..uggg....wish someone had told me that before the oatmeal cake...

I then saw a commercial about this and had to post....

"Shape wear danger" coming up on the news tonight.......I knew them dang things were dangerous.....I can't breathe in them......they don't leave any room for an oatmeal cake or two....

You see I'm still sticking with the oatmeal cake theme...:)

And finally (I'm sure all my friends were grateful) I ended the night with this...

I'll leave y'all alone now......goodnight all!!! you know an oatmeal cake looks like a wagon wheel......

Yes....Darius Rucker was singing that song as I posted.

I tell you I was on one last night....I don't know

If you liked all that maybe you should friend me on my blog friend Debby Ray did!!

Except I don't know how to add the facebook add thingie on my blog....

Anyway...that's what I did last night!

And tonight I was cooking supper and I noticed this extra special "spice" in my kitchen.

Oh my dear hubby would have been upset if I had gotten it mixed up with my other spices....heehee.

Who else but me would have freeze dried crickets...:))) a chicken treat...:)

Well that should get you caught up with me.....

What have you been up to?

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  1. Yep Lisa, that just about covers it...except you forgot to include my comment about the folds (or lack there of) on Kenny Roger's! By the way, the sneak peak of the living room is gorgeous and I want that big pocket watch hanging on your wall!

  2. Haha, you are too funny about Carrie Underwood! "She probably even owns cute chickens" - so hilarious.

    Your living room looks amazing! I can't wait to see more. And I totally agree about being nice and cozy inside on a cold night :)

  3. Yep, its cold and rainy here in Oregon too (and will be until...ummm....June) I've never seen a container of freeze dried crickets before. I thought at first it was just a joke! Would be a fun one to play on your hubby though, huh? Stay warm and keep those funny stories coming!

  4. Well, I didn't know you could spike oatmeal pies, but looks like you took the challenge to heart!
    Dried crickets? Oh, that it so weird. Never seen a jar of that before.
    Love the fire...oh, I want one of those.
    Hope you have a fun weekend and save some of those oatmeal pies for the rest of us. One of my favorite things. Don't buy them often, because I would have to buy bigger pants.
    Girdles are hazardous to your health! I already knew that. Nothing that tight can be good for you.

  5. You are just too dang cute! I love reading your blog and hearing all about your life. It just cheers me up every time.

  6. Oh, how I needed your humor at this very moment! I'm SOOOOO going to FB right now and finding you! If you don't see me, that means I couldn't find you and you need to find me!

    And, yes! I was on FB the entire night talking about how skinny some certain artist is (hint: his name rhymes with Slim)and how Carrie needs some pants and how the only real cowboys left in Nashville are Alan and George. :))

    Excuse me while I go hunt you down on social media :)

  7. I do love a cozy night indoors, with a fire crackling in the fireplace. We take every opportunity we can for those, here in Southeast Texas.

    I didn't want the awards. I find my interest level is not very high for such things, probably because I'm not a big radio listener and wouldn't have known a single song being awarded.

    As for those oatmeal cakes ... if I ever get started I can clean out a whole box. Love them!

  8. Lisa you bring sunshine to my day. I love your blog and enjoy reading everything you write and guess what I love oatmeal cakes :) Love your cozy home. From here in Ohio

  9. Ha HA HA you are just a riot , really so much fun !
    Yup I remember way back when , when Carrie Underwood was begging for our votes on American Idol ... she owes her claim to fame all to us ( well and her magnificent voice I suppose) but just saying she needed us once . lol
    I don have a F.B. account but sure sounds like you had fun watching the awards with your FB friends and that oatmeal cake ~
    think I'll have one of those goodies with a cup of coffee right now !

  10. Aww...Dixie...that was such a sweet comment....totally made my night...:) Thank you!! Oatmeal cakes.....yumyum...don't get me started...:)))

  11. Where does one buy freeze dried crickets?'

    We have a fire in the fireplace right now and I am bummed because I have to go out to dinner tonight for a seminar I am teaching tomorrow. I would love to curl up by the fire.
