Sunday, November 24, 2013

A State Divided!

Well it's that time of year!

I can feel the excitement brewing!

It's all you see on facebook already!


No.....but we are thankful and we will celebrate.

But I'm talking about.......

The Iron Bowl!!!!

It's a state divided!

When you are born you must declare....

Alabama or Auburn!

We have already decided that we will try not to talk about it at Thanksgiving.

Because we have some traitors in the

These ecards will be all over facebook....

back and forth....

the unfriend button will be used.

It's really a shame to divide your state, but divided it is!

And most of us aren't the type to pull for the other team when they are playing other states.

No......doesn't happen.

I'm so glad that my hubby and I agree....

I think some couples have a hard time...

And this year.....


So much is on the line for both teams!

It will be our super bowl!

We know that everyone will be home and together for Thanksgiving

and we also know that everyone will be watching the Iron Bowl on Saturday!

I know this may seem silly to most of you but this is a tradition

that we all grew up with.

  It is a part of our childhood as much as

birthday parties and Bugs Bunny.

So I decided to go ahead and write this post early so you will

know that our week will be very exciting with friends and family

for Thanksgiving and the game.

Maybe I will have time to do an after Thanksgiving post

but let's face it.....

I may be taping my ankles and putting black gunk under my eyes....:)

Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Yes, it's college football rivarly week everywhere! In Oregon, we have our "Civil War" football game on Friday - Oregon vs. Oregon State. Sadly, I know the Ducks will probably annihilate the poor Beavers....(my daughter went to Oregon State, so that's where my allegiance lies) Have a fun Thanksgiving and good luck to your favorite team.

  2. I love this post. Roll Tide. Yep, I am a Bama fan but my family is divided, too. There's gonna be a lot of hooping and hollering going on around here Saturday!!

  3. I will say that Alabama fans are fierce and dedicated! I'm pretty sure all life stops while their team is playing :)

    We have tons of Alabama friends here in Texas and boy do they love their team!

  4. LOL- well then, if its tradition, you must carry on, and carry on well! Love that you are going to have a fun week with all the rivalry and don't forget to put cat food in the traitors' jello! Touchdown!

  5. I am not much of a football fan because I was born and raised in a country where there is no such game (France) but I understand perfectly what you mean. My daughter went to the University of Georgia home of the “Dawgs” and my son-in-law to Georgia Tech home of the “Yellow Jackets” they each have their own sweatshirts and enjoy it loudly when there is a match between the two teams. Once, at my sister-in-law, who is an Ohio State University fan I told her I was a Michigan U fan and she almost threw me out of the house…!! Have a great time watching your teams!

  6. What a game!! It will be in the sports history for ever!!
